Pretty night

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After my trip to the convenience store, I make my way back to Keisukes' house.

Those two better be done cleaning, or I'm gonna kick their asses

It's about 6:30, leaving me over enough time to relax before meeting Takemichi

I wonder what Takemichi wants to talk about

"Well, guess I'll find out when we meet up," I say to myself out loud.

Walking into the Baji residence, I take my shoes off at the door and walk straight into the kitchen to drop the groceries that I had bought to replace the ones that those idiots wasted.

The kitchen was almost fully cleaned. All that's left to do was mop the floor and pack the dishes away. What did they do to the cake, though? Can you even call it a cake at this point? It's more like a failed project. Yeah, let's go with that

After putting all the groceries back in their rightful place, I decided to watch some TV. Wait...where are the boys?

"Keisuke? Chifuyu? Is anybody home?" Did these two just leave with the fucking door unlocked.

Maybe they're in Keisukes' room. Going in that direction, I hear faint snores coming from the second door to the left. Stopping in front of it, my eyes soften at the sight in front of me.

They fell asleep.With Keisuke on his bed and chifuyu on the chair by the desk. How are they tired? What did they do the whole day besides make a mess? Nevertheless, I get some blankets and cover them both with each of their own.

They look so peaceful. Let's not disturb them.

Going back into the living room, I finished up the rest of the cleaning and continued watching TV until the sun began to set.


Going back to an empty house isn't always the best thing in the world. But there's nothing I can do about it, really.

It's always just been me and my mom. My dad wasn't in the picture for most of my childhood. The last memory I have of him was him packing his stuff and storming out of the house. I was too young to know what was happening, but it was clear that they had just had another fight, and my dad finally had enough and left us.

I'm glad he did, though. My mom seemed way happier when he left than when he was actually with us.

My dad was never mean or cold to me, infact I was a daddy's girl. He always made time for me and got me everything I wanted. It's just that he would argue with my mom almost every night, and it was annoying. They'd argue about the smallest things like, who got to go to the bathroom first or some shit like that.

I couldn't really do anything about it since I was just a kid, so they wouldn't take me seriously.

I used to cry every night, hoping that he would come back, but he never did, so I just stopped caring and moved on with my life. I mean, if he didn't wanna be here, then so be it.

I'm still kinda pissed at him for leaving without an explanation, but it's whatever. It's not like I can do anything now.


After taking a nice relaxing shower, I got a quick piece of food and checked the time.

Huh, it's almost time to meet Takemichi 

I put on my hoodie and went towards the door to put my shoes on and headed out.


Walking in the direction of the park and getting there in a couple of minutes, I see a blonde male sitting on the swing with his head facing downwards and quietly muttering to himself.

"Heyo," I greeted him, taking a seat on the swing next to him. He snapped out of the trance he was in a minute ago and looked at me

"Hey y/n," he greeted back, looking kind of anxious.

"So, what did you call me out here for?" I asked, looking at the sky admiring the endless amount of stars that twinkled above us. It's such a pretty night

"I uhm, have to talk to you about something really serious." he looked at me, eyebrows furrowed, and his pupils were dilated, barely able to see his original eye color.

"Go ahead and speak, I'm all ears," I said, giving him all my attention but still looking up at the sky.

"So, uh, I don't really know how to say this, and I don't even know if you'll believe me because it's pretty unbelievable to be honest, and probably impossible but I really need someone to talk to but not just anyone you know so-" he was rambling, he was hesitant to tell me so he's stalling. Was this really that important?

"Just say it, Takemichi," I say, getting a bit irritated because it was starting to get a bit chilly. Finally, he looked at me and took a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled.

"I'm from the future,"

I paused for a moment and looked at him




I honestly never thought that my book would get that much reads especially since it's my first book, but oh my gosh that is so fucking insane

Thank you guys so much I really appreciate it💗

Word count:848


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