I'm alive

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Hey everyone, it's been a while since I last updated this book. And on a cliffhanger of sorts as well. And I'm sorry for that. I just took a random break and I want to be honest with all of you.

It's because I hear voices inside my head.

These voices can be really bad at times and it greatly affects my mental health. Sometimes, I have a voice screaming at me or something and at others, I have a voice simply wanting to talk with me. It can be really bad.

So, I just took that sudden break because the voices wouldn't let up whenever I would even attempt to write. But I'm doing better now. So, don't worry! I'm not leaving this world or this site just yet. I still got plenty of fight left in me and plenty of stories. So, thank you for sticking around I hope to see every last one of you in the next chapter of this story.

Thank you :)

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