Beige - 25

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    "What do we do?" Epiphyte said, visibly stressed. The group had met up at Beige's home, an apartment somewhat near the Peace Tower. 

    "What can we do?" Crab said. "There's not a cure for infected dragons."

    "Even if there was," Crevasse said, folding her talons and leaning over. "I have a feeling his body wouldn't recover from the injuries and rotting. I'm sorry, but he's practically dead Epiphyte."

     The RainWing's scales were pale blue and green. "I know," he choked out. "I wish I didn't see him like that. I'd prefer- I'd prefer to think he was dead rather than a leader of a group of plant zombies."

    "Have we decided that he was the leader?" Beige asked. "Just because he's the biggest doesn't mean he is the leader."

    "It makes sense," Epiphyte said. "You know, with all the extreme lack of luck we've had this past year or so."

    "True, I guess." Crab said. Agate leaned against his shoulder, and he seemed to relax for a moment.

    "Is there anything we can do?" Epiphyte said desperately.

    "I- I don't know," Bloom said. "Maybe we could have a funeral, for you know, closure?"

     "That sounds depressing," Landslide muttered. Beige elbowed him in the ribs and Landslide glared at him.

     "Maybe..." Epiphyte said, his wings drooping. "I don't want to give up on him quite yet, though."

    "Epiphyte," Crevasse said, putting a talon on his shoulder and patting it. "I know it's hard... but you need to let go,"

    Epiphyte sighed hopelessly. "I'm just praying that hospitals will find something, soon."

     Suddenly there was a shout outside. Beige whipped around and looked outside. Out on the street, there was a mob of dragons marching through the streets. For a moment, Beige's scales prickled with fear, before he realized that these were ordinary dragons, not New Pantalans. There were all bunched up together, shouting and waving signs. There were a few in the windows of buildings, waving signs. Beige squinted at them.

    The Queens are keeping secrets! 

     We deserve the truth!

     Down with the Monarchy!

     They were chanting all sorts of things, all of them looking particularly angry about the suspicions of the Queens.

    "Oh, my," Exo said from the wall as the others rushed up to the window. "What's happening?"

    "A protest," Beige sighed. "I wonder why," he added placidly, leaning to give Agate a look.

    "They were going to find out anyway," she said, rolling her eyes. "It wasn't my fault there was a bunch of gossipy dragons around."

    "Whatever," Bloom said. "Both of you shut up. I want to see what happens."

    They all leaned out the window, and Beige heard Landslide whisper to Exo about what was going on. Beige thought it was funny that Landslide happened to be the biggest asshole of the group, but objectively had the best appearance. Beige guessed that all of his niceness went to his looks and not his personality. 

    The protesters were soon met with guards, telling them to break it up and head back to their daily lives. The dragons shouted back, saying that they just want them to shut their snouts and continue living a lie.

    One of the guards, near the middle, shouted back that yes, they did want them to shut up. This was met by a lot of roaring from a few dragons.

   "How dare you!"

Wings Of Fire: Closing Eyes (Prequel To The Last Day Series)Where stories live. Discover now