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     Splinter's wings ached.

     He felt the breath of evil tugging and pushing on the corners of his mind, which was normal, except it felt weird right now.

    He knew what he had to do. Being a LeafWing, he could draw some energy from the sun. But now that he was mostly made of plant matter, he didn't need solid food anymore. Because of this, he had essentially infinite energy to power him to the Peace Tower.

    He had to get to it as soon as possible.

    Crab and Exo had to survive.

    The leaves on the artificial tree had burned off, and the trunk of it had long black scorch marks crawling up the side. Many of the glass windows had been shattered.

    Splinter saw below a few plant- dragons, either dead- or out of commission since they were basically dead already- or slowly crawling across the ruins. It was insane how quickly a thriving city could become a wasteland.

    He landed on the top of the tower, where a fountain burbled weakly. The wooden tiled paths had burned away, leaving the concrete etchings of numbers and symbols behind. Ash fell like snow in the air, softly drifting down and onto whatever was left of his nose.

    Splinter missed not being a zombie. He could sort of see, but not really at the same time. It was more of something telling him where things were in explicit detail instead of him seeing them himself.

    His bones scraped the floor. They were only bones held together by plants, like a good part of his body.

    There, a living vine that was coiled up near the fountain. Splinter didn't need his leafspeak or the "vision" to tell him it was a breath of evil plant.

    He took the vine in his talons and held it tight. Using all his strength, he reached through every root and every plant from sequoias and tiny bits of algae in the ocean.

    Bring the breath of evil to me.

    What are you doing?

    There are dragons here with a plan to destroy us.

    I can't sense them.

    They aren't touching any living plants.

    Better safe than sorry, I suppose. I'll help. Do you need all of me?

    A final blow, sure.

   Splinter saw vines snake through the ruins and up the Peace Tower. They coiled around Splinter, in rolling waves and twisting masses. Plant dragons from all around the globe flew at lightning speed, and laid down in the masses, contributing to the sickening large flow of breath of evil.

       I'd like to keep some to myself.

      I need all of it.

      I'm not sure.

       We'll grow even stronger if you help, I promise.


     A few more fat vines of the breath of evil snaked up the towers, along with five big plant- dragons flew up to Splinter. They too joined the mass of churning plants.

    Is this all? The vines and bones were drooping off the edges of the tower and forming tall curved walls around Splinter. He gripped the vine in his talons a little harder. He felt through himself and the breath of evil. Yes, it was all here.

Wings Of Fire: Closing Eyes (Prequel To The Last Day Series)Where stories live. Discover now