Epiphyte - 30

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    Epiphyte woke up before Exo.

     He checked her wounds, which had dried up nicely. It was sunny and warm outside, which was nice compared to the cold wet day before. The fern rained a few drops onto his head as he stuck his head out, which annoyed him, but he'd live.

    "Wake up, sleepyhead," Epiphyte said, shaking her shoulder gently. "We need to back to the cabin, I left my bag in there. It has bandages we can use to dress you and Agate up. Also, you and Agate need to sort stuff out."

    "Noooo,' Exo groaned. "She sucks ass,"

    "Okay, but you need to figure stuff out with her." Epiphyte pulled her tail and dragged her out of the hollow. "The radio said we should really be sticking together."

    "Fine." Exo huffed.

    Epiphyte stretched, and lifted in the sky, Exo grabbed onto the tip of his long tail, and they flew back to the cabin. Beige was sitting in the clearing outside, instructing the dragonets how to fly. Poor Beige, Epiphyte thought. He's more of a parent than anyone here. 

    They landed in the clearing, and Beige waved to them. The blood had been washed away from the grass, thankfully.

    "Are we all better?" Beige asked.

    "Maybe?" Epiphyte asked. Exo was standing still next to Epiphyte, speechless. "I'm going to patch her and Agate up if she hasn't been already."

    "Yeah, they're inside, so be careful." Beige sighed. "I hope everything works itself out."

    "Okay..." Exo huffed. Epiphyte led her into the cabin, where Crab and Agate sat. Agate was staring out the window her jaw set. Crab watched Epiphyte and Exo, his eyes droopy and tired.

     "Well," Epiphyte said, digging through his bag. "Are we ready to talk about this and act like adults?"

     "We are acting like-" Agate started, but Crab hushed her. 

    "I'd like to take the first step," he said, drawing himself up and cracking his neck. He took a deep breath. "Exo, I'm sorry for saying some of the things I said and arguing with you."

    The HiveWing's lip twitched. "Apology accepted, I guess." she scratched her neck her she was burned. "I suppose I'm sorry, too, about what I've done to upset you," By the way Exo was clenching her fists, Epiphyte knew she didn't mean it. But it seemed to satisfy Crab because he sat down and nodded to Agate.

     She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for attacking you," she said at length. "And arguing,"

     Exo didn't respond and went still as Epiphyte bandaged her neck. It wasn't that bad of a burn, but it should definitely be covered up. She managed not to flinch, but Epiphyte guessed she was dealing with a lot more emotional pain right now.

     "Well," Beige said. "I think we ought to get moving."

     "Why?" Agate asked.

     "Well, we're going to the Jade Mountain Memorial, remember?" he said, lifting his wing so Antelope could come inside. "Also.. remember there's a deceased dragon in there," he pointed at the bedroom door.

    "Yeah..." Crab said, rubbing his face. "We should probably go,"

    "Crevasse had always wanted to see the Memorial," Agate said softly, standing up. The group walked out of the cabin, the sun catching the scales on their wings like jewels. It was particularly windy, and the tops of some trees were already bowing with the wind.

    "Can we fly?" Jellyfish asked, tugging Beige's wing.

    "Yeah!" Mirage said, bumping her friend's wing. "Can we? Pleeease,"

Wings Of Fire: Closing Eyes (Prequel To The Last Day Series)Where stories live. Discover now