Chapter 10

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We had been in San Diego for a day, and everything seemed so calming.

"It feels so nice here." I said.

"I agree. It's beautiful too. I'm glad we got the room with the nice view to the beach." Brian said.

"I love the sounds of it." I said.

"Do you feel okay now that he's gone and that we're here?" He asked.

"Yes. I feel a lot better." I said.

"Good, now come here." He said, holding his arms out.

I smiled, going onto the bed and laying with him as he kissed my forehead.

"I'm so glad I met you at that bar." Brian said.

"That would be a very interesting story to tell our children one day." I said.

"They'd probably feel sad for us." He said.

I laughed, getting up.

"Let's go walk on the beach." I said.

"Alright." He said.

I got dressed into comfortable shorts and a shirt, putting on my converse.

We made our way down to the beach.

"You turned your location off just in case Brad's not in jail right now right?" Brian asked.

"Yes and I blocked him on everything so he couldn't possibly get my location." I said.

"Good." He said.

I smiled, the sun was just setting so I grabbed Brian's hand and sat down on a bench.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course." Brian said.

"The day I saw you in that bar I thought 'damn he's fucking hot'" I said.

"Wow." He said, laughing.

"I'm not even joking." I said, laughing.

"Well, when I first saw you I thought 'wow she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met.'" He said.

"Well thank you." I said.

"Matt was like 'dude that boyfriend of hers is ugly as fuck'" He said.

"Matt's not wrong." I said.

"What made you two start dating back then anyway?" He asked.

"Well, we had known each other since 8th grade and we were the best of friends, we ended up going to the same college and started dating because I thought I really liked him. He was the best boyfriend at first, but then he just got so abusive and controlling." I said.

"I'm not like that. I promise." He said.

"Good." I said.

"He seems like a fucked up dude." He said.

"He is." I said.

"I love you Kendall." He said.

"I love you too B." I said, kissing him.

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