1~ friends...?

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"But remember kid, homosexual people are bad ok?"

"Yes Grandpapig..."

5 years later

Daddy pig POV:

"Ugh, I can't believe today's first day of High school" I groaned

"Honey come down right away now, your going to be late for school!!"

"YES MOTHER IM COMING" I yelled back


I moaned frustrated and went down stairs but on my way down, I tripped on the stairs. "Ow..."

"Here honey don't forget your lunch and please call me if you need help or something" said my mom in a sweet tone.

"Yes yes now but I have to go I'm already to late"

At school👺

>omg I'm not to late am I?no , no I can't be... UGH I'm having an anxiety attack< I thought to myself, but little did I know I was about to bump into someone because I wasn't looking...


"O-oh S-sorry I wasn't looking, I apologise a thousand time-" as I was about to finish my sentience, I looked up and saw the most handsome boy I have ever seen in my life, he had long brown wavy hair, beautiful brown eyes and a really cute voice...

"are you ok? You look nervous..."

I could listen to that sexy voice all day... I was in love.

"O-oh uhm.. yeah thanks for asking!" I said really effing awkwardly.
"Oh well then uhm..." he paused for a second... " are you the new kid..?" The brown haired boy asked me.

"Yeah that's right"

"Oh well then, my Name is Jesus, Jesus Christ" Jesus Said with a smile

>so his name is Jesus...? That's fucking hot not gonna lie~<

"Oh yeah my names Daddy pig!"

"Well then see you around because I have to go to class! Oh and uhm the principals office is that way" Jesus pointed with his finger in the west side hallway.
"Uhm thank U Jesus, see you 'round I guess?" "Yes"

End of the day

Jesus POV:

I was walking out of school until I saw Daddy pig being surrounded by some older students. I couldn't just leave him like that or could I? I stoped thinking and ran over that way where Daddy pig was.
"Hey, leave him alone!" I shouted at one the the elder kids.
"Hmm~ what are you gonna do about it~? Call your mommy and tell her to pick u up?" The boy said in a mocking voice

"My mothers name is Mary and they will make u cursed !" I raised my voice at them

(Non binary Mary😻💅🏻)

"Shit he looks mad..." one of the kids whispered to the other and to the other.

"Now go away!" I yelled at them.

I turned around to see daddy pig Terrified but amazed, to be honest it was kind of cute;) >wait no, I can't be Gay... it's against my religion... no no no no NO!<

"Uh, Jesus are you ok..?" Daddy asked me and he sounded pretty worried. >oh shit he must have seen how fast I breathed...shit...<
"U-uhm y-yes I'm ok" I said with a smile again trying to act normal.

"If you say so..."

"So, are we friends?" I asked Daddy pig.

"Yes, definitely friends."


Lmao that was first part and I also still have math homework and it's 0:57 and I literally do not know what I need to do that's why imma be a girlboss and use google😇 (IF I CAN SOMEHOW)

I'm also very sorry it's short
, imma try to make longer ones if I can

Ok but remember to drink and eat and sleep. Have a good day/

forbidden feelings (daddy pig x jesus)Where stories live. Discover now