5 - like fucking magnets

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⚠️A small little small text of a nsfw flashback :3

rarararara q


"no im serious Jesus. I have never felt this Kind of love with anyone else. Your just Like, an awesome Person. I know we havent known eachother for a long time but it feels Like ive known you my whole life. Im way more happier around you and I dont want you to leave anywhere. I love you so so so so much I dont know what I would do in life without you. I love you Jesus christ."

Those words hit Like bullets to Jesus' heart.

so this is what love feels Like, a warm, comfortable feeling around the heart with a hint of pressure.

"I- I dont know what to say. I love you too daddy pig, I love you so much"

Jesus leaped forward into daddys arms.
"Im so glad I met you" the brunette whispered snuggling into daddy pigs chest.


"would you Like to try something...?"
Jesus all of a sudden asks.

"try what exactly..?"

"oh uh, you know... sex." Jesus whispered the last part.
"i mean, sure, im down but what the hell got you all horny Like that ?" Daddy pig was a wee bit confused about Jesus' sudden request.

"oh, might have been the random confession that got me all turned on"




"OH FUCK YOU"  daddy pig smashed the blaring alarm with his fist.


Daddy pig looked over at the other side of the bed to see Jesus cuddling his arm. There was something else... they were both naked 😱😱

His eyes widend at the memories from last night.

"Oh my hot diggity dawg"

daddy pig gripped Jesus hair pushing him down on his veiny cock.
A gurgle was heard from Jesus.
"Your doing so good baby.. never stop.."

(I did not enjoy writing that, might have second thoughts about writing nsfw 😰)

Daddy pig watched Jesus cuddle him. I had sex with him last night.

As daddy pig was zoned out on Jesus, that dumb pig didnt even realize that Jesus himself was looking up to daddy' with a face of confusion.

"is everything okay?"
Those were the words which snapped daddy' back into reality.

"Oh yeah uhm just zoned out haha"
"okay...?" Jesus was a bit skeptical.


"good morning students!! In this biology lesson we will... ..."

Jesus groaned. Biology is so boring. The teacher too. He should just go die hes Like 80..(?), years old anyway.

Jesus didnt share the class with daddy pig so he was extra bored. Speaking of daddy pig, Jesus remembered that daddy pigs lesson got cancled.
Lucky little bastard.

forbidden feelings (daddy pig x jesus)Where stories live. Discover now