7- crimson red

69 6 116

Ya'll r spoiled.

⚠️you probably already know what's coming but ya. (I don't wanna spoiler)



it's the perfect plan.

the perfect crime.

I'll finally get rid of her.

he'll be mine, only mine.

After staying awake a whole night, daddy pig created the perfect murder plan.
He was so proud of himself.
Finally feeling this sense of achievement.
Other people would think of daddy pig as a demon straight from hell, but for daddy pig it was revenge. Revenge for mommy pig for stealing his man,
his lover.



Mommy pig sighed.
she wasn't really the biggest fan of school, I mean, who isn't?
Cuz school sucks. It's usually the teachers or the students there which ruin your mental health.

but I have to think of the positive sides of today!
I am alive.
I am well.
I have amazing friends.
and I'm kinda pretty!

(We love a girl with confidence)

Mommy pig giggled to herself.

what will I wear today??

mommy pig loved picking out her clothes, it brought her a feeling of comfort and belonging. That's why she would like to become a fashion designer when she graduates school!

After a couple minutes of rummaging through her closet, she found this lovely skirt and a cute top for it. Mommy pig grined with happiness.

After inspecting herself in the mirror, Mommy pig stumbled down her stairs into her kitchen.

Currently she didn't have that many breakfast options because she forgot to go grocery shopping but she had these little meat pasties :3
Mommy pig really loved meat pasties, they reminded her of her childhood. Of how her grandmother went to go get them every week just for little mommy pig.
Her grandmothers loss was extremely hard for her.

Mommy pig also made herself a nice warm cup of lavender-honey-tea. That is her favorite tea. She grows the lavender herself.

After a delicious breakfast, mommy pig usually spends a couple of minutes of her time to meditate. Just to free her mind before school.

The times comes for her to leave her home.
The lady grabed her cute little tote bag with flowers on it and headed on outside.

It was a sunny and warm morning, not too hot and not too cold. The birds were also quite vocal, chirping a fun springy tune.
Right outside of mommy pigs house, she planted many flowers so everyday when she comes home she can enjoy the positive aroma of the flowers.

once she arrived at a bus stop not to far away from her house, she pulled out her headphones. Mommy pig listens to the sounds of nature before she's at the bus stop. Here the sounds aren't as pure as they are around mommy pigs house so she spends her listening ability to listen to music.

Not many minutes passed before the bus came.
Mommy pig inspected the public bus. There arent that many people in here.


The bus ride was nice.
She arrived safely at school, thanking the bus driver.

Infront of the school she spotted her best friends, Crow, they were sometimes kinda mean but she still loves them and Sharon marsh, she is also just really awesome.

forbidden feelings (daddy pig x jesus)Where stories live. Discover now