2~ granny sniffer~

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Jesus POV:

I was laying bed thinking about the other day. What if I had a crush on daddy pig? I mean he was handsome, cute, best personality anyone could want, probably also a nice body... oh~ only if I could-.
I stopped myself from thinking that. I-..no... I dont have a crush on daddy pig and never will, its against my religion and I shall respect it...

I sighed (or how tf u spell it🙄)

It was already dark outside and I tried to fall asleep but couldnt... I just thought about daddy pig to much that my mind kept me awake.

1 am...

2am ...



Until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better then yesterday. >another day, another slay< I thought to myself

I got out of bed to go downstairs to my mother and greet them with a mornings kiss on the cheek.

"Morning mother"I kissed theyre cheek and sat by the breakfast table.
"Oh well good morning dear, how about some grilled cheese for breakfast?"
"I mean, I cant just say no to the best grilled cheese can I?" I chuckled.
"Aw youre so sweet" my Mother Mary said With a Happy smile plastered on theyre face.


After breakfast I headed upstairs to dress myself for school. >tuesday, still four days to go till weekend>:) <

I put on some basic Blue/grey jeans , a  white hoodie and on top of that a silver necklace with a cross on it.
"Do I look good enough?" I mumbled to myself as I looked in the mirror.

"oh my lord I love your fit~" —???

I got startled by a deep voice... wait...
I turned around and saw daddy pig sitting by the window looking... pleased...?
(I guess I mean I didnt have another word for it👍)
"u-uhm what a-are you doing her-e...?" I gulped as daddy' jumped off and killed himself /j. Forgive me please😔🙏

I gulped as daddy' jumped off and got closer to me until I hit the wall and he pinned me against it.
"You looked hot as you changed, I watched every second of it" he said and looked at my lips.
I was speechless and couldnt move, it somehow felt... good, to finally be overpowered by someone.

>dear lord, forgive me for what im about to do-<

I leaned forward and kissed him.
It was my first kiss EVER with someone and it gave some weird feeling everywhere in my body, especially in my man areas.
My belly started to have a feeling Like butterflies are flying inside my stomach as daddy pigs tongue entered my mouth.
Oh my, he tasted... quite good if I do say so myself.

Daddy pig POV:

Jesus tasted absoloutly amazing.

A couple seconds into the kiss, I pulled away and stared into his georgeus shit brown eyes.
Then I lifted up his leg and put it around my hip and grinded my "areas" on his.
I heard him whimper a little while I went faster and kissed him at the Same time.
"You Like that dont you~?" And I got a louder whimper in response
"D-dont you t-think we should b-be HE-aded to school n-now.?" Jesus tried to sound normal but just couldnt it felt so good.
"Oh wait, I forgot about that" I said with the most akward Kind of laugh I could ever pull.

"Well im already here so... uhm... lets go to school together..?" I asked shy
Jesus patted my head and said "of course, anything for you my little granny sniffer~"

"Granny, WHAT..?" Jesus started wheezing and I said "WHAT KIND OF A NICKNAME IS "GRANNY SNIFFER.?!"



Jesus POV:

First class for the day was maths, I didnt really find it that interesting so I doodled on my paper... some rather interesting drawings...
(Male anatomy of daddy pig ofc😀👍)

>finally in the name of god class is over<
I walked out of class and saw daddy pig in the hallway by his looker putting in some books from his previous class I guess.

"Hey daddy pig!" I said while slamming daddy pigs locker door shut.
"Why'd ya do that for?" He asked
"For you to see my beautiful face" I said jokingly.
"Oh why thank you" he said with a grin.

>oh shit I aktivated "it" inside of him<

"Uhm y-yeahh imma just head over there uh see you later.!" I said pointing to a corner and walking off.


>Well that was weird...<
I thought as he walked off, but wait, he dropped something... I walked over to the dropped piece of paper and...

It was a drawing of...m-me but... I didn't have clothes on... >that soon to 'NoT bE ViRgIN' is gonna regret drawing this~<
I folded the drawing 3 times so that it fit in my pocket and headed to my next class.

Time skip bc yeah:

I knew it was jesus's last class and it ended in exactly 5 minutes so, I searched for a good hiding place near his class, and found the janitors closet which was perfectly next to his class so when he walks out I can grab him and pull him inside.

1 Minute past...

2 minute past...

3 minute past...

4 minute past...


5 minute past...

The bell rang and all the teenagers and young adults came sprinting out of there because I guess they wanted to go home.
Jesus was one of the Last People to leave so I did it, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside. He gasped.
The closet was small inside but still big enough to 'do something inside' of.

"AH OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU" he screamed out, "CHILL, chill it's me, daddy pig."
"I do not give a shit but-" I was interetubbed by Jesus yelling "WATCH TOUR LANGUAGE!"
"I don't care but, care to explain what this is?~"
I pulled out the drawing that Jesus drew and held it Jesus in front of his face.


Cliffhanger 😘

So I decided to put some Humor inside of this one because I'm funny and yes.
And if you're wondering like "did you finish your homework and stuff?"
Well, yes I did and I'm proud and used google because of obvious reasons.

Also have a good day/night and please try to drink and eat and people love you!
Byeee! <3


this rn is my now self and i just quickly read over this and im speechless.

i was so goddamn cringe wtf

i cant do this anymore

forbidden feelings (daddy pig x jesus)Where stories live. Discover now