Chapter 3~ janitors closet

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3rd Person POV:

"I-" no words could leave Jesus's mouth, not even one. It was like his mouth was glued shut.
"Nothing?" Said the hot asf Pig named Daddy pig. "Well then I just you wouldn't mind if I just..."
Daddy pig just thought of the last words, didn't say them and went for the brown beauty's neck.
Licking it softly but pleasurable , Jesus let out a soft groan.
Thankly not too loud because if it was, the students around could hear them so they'd have to be quiet if they wanted to do it in the janitors closet.
"Mhm~" Jesus let out a sudden moan as daddy pig started biting his neck.
"Damn boy, are you really THAT sensitive when around your neck?" Daddy pig asked.

Again no reasponse from Jesus.

Jesus POV:

I was so into the neck biting that I totally forgot about reality. But all of the sudden, I had the urge to do something to him. I do not know what made me think this but I guess I didn't want to be overpowered by someone, I wanted to overpower someone.
Then I did what came to my mind at first, I pushed him away from me and pinned him against the small closets walls.
„Oh how the tables have now turned" I said with a smirk Layed across my face.

I could feel daddy pig becoming more nervous by the second of what's about to happen.
He was absolutely speechless.

„Lets see how your neck tastes~" I said
And went in. I kissed and licked multiple spots but those weren't pleasurable enough for him. > what the fuck where does this dude want me to kiss holy fuckity fuck<

I pulled his shirt down a little by the collar and bit him there. I heard a small gasp and quiet little whimpers from this Monstrosity. >hah, finally<
I kept biting that one area many times until a heard a rather noticeable loud moan.

Daddy pig fastly put his hand in front of his mouth but I removed it and went in for a [inseart Word for spicey kiss] .

In the middle of the Kiss the Bell for the other kids Rang and we immediately stopped kissing. We randomly started Starring into each others souls and laughed so hard that we heard „the keys" in the hallway walking towards us.

„We're probably fucked" Daddy pig said with a conserned look on his face. „Yeah..."

Suddenly a teacher opened the door and it was my English teacher. „What are you both young men doing in the janitors closet..?" said my English teacher „hurry up, get out of there! Chop chop!"
We both got out and the teacher looked at us which gave gave us both the idea that we were in trouble but instead she said
„Next time you Boys decide to make out or whatever please do it somewhere else, I do don't want the janitor to clean out their own closet!"

The teacher knew EXACTLY what she was talking about😏I looked at daddy pig and he looked at me and we both started laughing like hyenas. The teacher looked at us like we were psychos but eventually joined in.

Fuck wait I just realized something =D
If daddy pig is an animal and Jesus is human and they duck doesn't it mean that Jesus is a————- 😀? Duck I haven't thought about that yet but let's just not make the laws/thing (fucking shit idk)
Like that and let Jesus and daddy pig be themselves because this is Humor😘

And Also I do NOT Support z00s, they are absolutely disgusting and should get arrested 🏋🏽

(I have no idea if this makes sense at all this I have no idea but don't be mad at me if I said something wrong I am a very sensitive person and takes everything a bit to personally)

Also please remember to eat and drink! And also hope ya'll have a great day/night and you are loved... even if no one shows it, you are loved by me, every single one of you <3

forbidden feelings (daddy pig x jesus)Where stories live. Discover now