Author's Note

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Hey guys!

It's been so long since I've done anything with this sorry that I'm not sure how many people are going to even see this.

So I wanted to let you guys in on a couple things. The main reason why I haven't been writing at all and my complete AWOL is all thanks to some huge changes that have taken place in my life since I have stopped writing.

The biggest changes are that I got married!! 👰💏💍 And most important is the birth of my daughter, Chloe, whose pictures you can see up top. Although she was unexpected she has become the most important thing in my life. So writing, even though I love it, has taken a back seat to her. She just recently turned one and even though she's not a tiny baby anymore, if I think about it too long I'll cry 😭 because time goes so fast, she still requires just as much attention.

I also work a full time job, because babies are kinda expensive. And between baby and work and I gotta fit sleep, oh and my husband 😁, in there somewhere writing just hasn't been feasible. But Awakening is NOT OVER!

This story is so far from over its not even funny. I love this story and I really love my characters. It still bugs me that their story is left hanging. I'm going to finish it, I promise. But I don't want to throw something together. When I update next, and every time, I want it to be the best chapter I can possibly write. I owe it to you, to my characters, and really, to myself. I didn't work so hard on this story to have the ending be thrown sloppily together.

So I'm going to work on finding a time at least every week, or maybe a couple days a week to work on this story. It won't be like before where I had updates out every other week at least. It'll take me a while but I'll get there. I mean my baby is just too cute not to get distracted by. I mean come on! Look at her!! 👆👆👆 (Reference her pictures. Go ahead I'll wait. In fact I'm going to scroll back up and look at them!)

So what I'm really saying is: I'm sorry I've been gone so long. Thank you to anyone who is still reading this story I can't tell you how much it means. I'm going to start writing again, but it's a work in progress so bare with me. Hopefully you'll be seeing another update that's an actual new chapter soon!!

Lots of love!

Taylor ✌️

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