Chapter 7

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It wasn't long until we were back on the interstate, leaving behind Samael and the small bar. I had to admit I was a bit sad to leave. Even though I'd only just met him I really liked Samael. After initially meeting me he treated me like an adult. He didn't try to keep things from me like I know Ryker is. Sneaking a sideways glance at him I saw that he was focused intently on the road. Every now and then he would look up at the sky, but he seemed satisfied enough when he didn't see anything.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked him.

"Doing what?"

"Looking up at the sky, what are you looking for?"

"The Guard," he answered simply.

"You think that they'll just be flying above us?" I asked confused.

"I think that they could be anywhere and being in the sky is part of anywhere," he said.

I only rolled my eyes. He was so difficult. Ryker had saved my life more than once and even though I didn't want to admit it he would probably have to do it again before this was all over with, but he was just so contemptuous. I was completely new to this entire world that he came from, I was going to have questions, I was going to be hesitant about things, it's only understandable. I knew that, he didn't, however.

I did have more questions, and since he had said we had a long drive ahead of us I saw no harm in asking them. "So we are going to Penjamo?" I asked, turning in my seat to look at him.


"And where exactly is Penjamo? Texas? New Mexico? Arizona?" I asked.

"It's a city in the middle of Mexico."

"Whoa, hold up. We're driving to Mexico?" I watched as he nodded. "I've never even left the country, and now we're going to Mexico. How are we going to get across the border? I don't have a passport."

He let out a chuckle at this before smiling and saying, "You just let me handle that."

"And how exactly are you going to handle it?"

"You know your lack of faith in me is starting to become a bit disheartening," he said giving me a smirk. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and sigh.

"So why Penjamo? Why do we have to go there?"

"Did you hear what Sam was saying back at the bar?"

"He said that Penjamo is where the Morning Star fell."

"Exactly, and do you know who the Morning Star is?" he asked looking at me. I thought for a moment but then shook my head. "The Morning Star is another name for Lucifer."

I felt my mouth hang open for a moment. "You mean The Devil?"

"Well I suppose you can call him that if you prefer. I tend to like Lucifer better. The Devil just seems so, silly."

"Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub; call him what you want but the last word that comes to mind when I think of the Devil is silly," I said.

"I suppose you're right."

"So, Penjamo is where Lucifer fell from Heaven?"

"Yup, he landed in the mountains just outside of the city."

"And we have to go there why exactly?"

"Because," he started. "Do you remember me telling you that each side runs on its own energy?" I nodded.

"Well when Lucifer fell, the spot that he landed has such a huge concentration of energy that it will never go away."


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