Chapter 13

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I had been to a lot of places across the country. I had been to Washington D.C., New York City, and even to Los Angeles. I had seen The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and Niagra Falls. I had swam in both oceans and even in the Gulf and had been skiing on the Rockies. My parents, if nothing else, loved routine and family vacations were routine. Every year, every summer, they picked a destination and we went. We never went anywhere too far away. The farthest I had ever been away from home had been to Jamaica when I was little. Other than that my parents kept us safely inside the country. But out of all the places I had been to in my short time I had never been to Las Vegas. Both of my parents had detested everything the city stood for.

'Las Vegas has all the amenities of modern society in a habitat unfit to even wash your hands in. ' I believe were my father's exact words. But in all honesty I didn't see much difference in his description of Las Vegas from any of the other big cities like New York or L.A. But whether I went or not I wasn't too concerned. When we finally managed to make it into the city, however, as the last rays of sunlight slipped behind the horizon my thoughts began to change.

As Ryker drove the car down the main strip through town, I couldn't help but to become captivated. The lights from the casinos alone were breathtaking. They flashed and shined bright in every color imaginable.

"A bit much to take in for the first time," Ryker said with a smirk.

"The lights, they're beautiful. This is how I would think Heaven would look at night, all bright and wonderful," I said barely above a whisper.

"Well, as Steve Wynn said, Vegas is how God would do it if He had money."

I saw signs for every sort of entertainment I could think of; from dance shows to magic acts, to concerts and comedians. People walked along the street in groups, talking and laughing. I had yet to set foot out of the car but already I could feel the energy the city held. It felt alive, and the good time that the city was offering everyone seemed contagious.

Ryker eventually pulled the car up to in front of one of the biggest buildings I had ever seen. Getting out of the car I craned my head back to stare up at its large face. It stood tall and impressive. The building was made in an amazing European style. From the outside alone it looked like a clash of Old World style and modern luxuries coexsisting in perfect harmony. Looking away from the building I was met with an awe inspiring sight. Thousands of fountains shot water high up in the air. The water twisted and fell. I felt as if I were under a trance. I wanted to stand there and watch them all night.

"Come on, you can watch the fountains another time," Ryker said, gently grabbing my hand.

Ryker threw the keys to the waiting valet and then led us through the front doors. Marble floors stretched before us. The bright lights above seemed to make everything shine. A front desk sat straight ahead. People milled around each other, most carrying luggage. I realized that we were in a hotel. A sign to the left of the front doors listed features that were offered by the hotel. Botanical Gardens and a Conservatory caught my attention, along with a theatre. Ryker, still clasping onto my hand began to drag us down a hallway, away from the other people.

"If I know Azrael, and I do," he said navigating his way through numerous hallways and corridors as if he lived there, "she'll be busy having a good time."

Wait, did he just say 'she'll be busy'? I must have heard him wrong. He hadn't mentioned that Azrael was a girl. But, then again, he never said she wasn't. I allowed Ryker to pull me through a set of large doors into the loudest room I had ever been in. The room was dark, black lights and strobe lights danced on the ceiling as well as the floor. People were everywhere, yelling, talking, laughing. Music pounded and I felt as if I had actually stepped inside of a speaker. In the center of the room was a dance floor and I don't think anymore people could have fit on it if they tried. Around the dance floor were tables and private booths.

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