Chapter 5

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 I was having a dream, I was almost positive of it. It had something to do with a bunch of guys, very attractive guys. Sounds like a pretty great dream, right? Wrong, because these inhumanly perfect guys were trying to kill me. And not only that they could fly, and make swords magically appear out of their hands. Yes it is a dream; all I have to do is wake up. So that's what I did. I woke up. But instead of waking up in my cozy room and my large, warm bed like I was expecting, I was in a completely different place.

I was in a small, dirty, exceptionally smelly room. And instead of lying in my warm, comfortable bed I was on a very hard, very noisy one. Sitting up quickly I looked around. Where was I? I had never been here before. Slowly standing I made my way around the room, looking for any sign of anyone else or a clue as to where I was. I was in a motel room; that much I could figure out. From the small bathroom with individually wrapped soap bars to the TV guide and Bible in the nightstand drawer it was pretty easy to see. But why was I in a motel room? And how did I get here? Walking over to the window I tentatively pulled back the thick, dusty curtain and was met with a familiar sight. The main highway that goes through my town was right outside, along with my car. I was still in town. That answered that question, but how had I gotten here? That was an even bigger one.

I was about to walk out the door, to climb into my car and drive home. To hopefully figure out some answers as to why I couldn't seem to remember being here, but I was stopped when someone opened the door before me. Jumping back I watched as someone I had hoped was only a dream walked through the door. His dark eyes snapped up to meet my own and I froze.

"You?!" I whispered.

"Yes, me," he replied in his rough voice as he closed the door behind him.

"But, I don't understand. How? I-I can't—" I was rambling.

"Let's have a seat and take a deep breath before you short circuit," he said as he reached a hand out slowly and gripped my elbow to steer me towards the bed.

I slowly sat on the edge of the bed only to hear in groan in protest. I watched as he handed me a bottle of water. I only looked at him. "Go on, take it. It'll make you feel better, or at least put a little bit of color back into your cheeks. You look like you've seen a ghost," he said with a small smile. He had no idea. Hesitantly I grabbed the bottle and took a drink, and then another. He was right, it was helping. "There you go. I told you you would feel better."

"What's going on? Who are you? Who were those men? Why did you have wings?" I finally asked all at once.  I needed answers and he seemed to be the only one to give them to me. I had so many questions that needed answered and I needed them now.

"Which one of those would you like me to answer first?" he asked.

Taking a steadying breath I asked the most burning question I had. "Who are you?"

"Ryker," he answered simply.

"Ryker? Ryker what?"

"There is nothing else. My name is just Ryker," he stated.

"Alright then, Ryker, so everything that happened at the diner, that was real?" I hoped he would say no. That he would tell me that I had bumped my head and that I was just acting crazy. But as I saw him nod his head those hopes sank.

"Yes, it was all real."

"So, the magical swords and wings, those men turning into dust, it all really happened?" I asked again.


I stood up and began pacing. My mind was going a million miles a minute. How could any of that be real? How could people have wings and fly? That's where my next question came from. "What exactly are you?" With this question he stood and took a few paces towards me and I couldn't help but take a step in the opposite direction.

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