Chapter 4

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Rykers POV

Turning around I stared into the shocked face of the girl. Tears still slid down her cheeks as she stared at me. I had hoped that I would get to her before these men but of course with my luck it didn't work that way. I was about to speak to her when her eyes seemed to close and her knees gave way. Sprinting over to her I managed to catch her before she hit the ground. Checking her pulse and her breathing it seemed that she was fine, she had only fainted. I couldn't exactly blame her. If it were me and I had just seen an angel and a demon fighting it out I probably would have fainted too.

Looking around the empty parking lot I saw that everything was still and silent. There was absolutely no evidence of everything that had just gone on. Looking back down at the girl I thought of what I should do next. I knew what my orders were; I was to take her back with me. She was it, she was what we had been searching for for millennia. She was the Sacrifice; I was more than positive of it. I'd had my hunches for a while now. I'd taken my time, tracking her, watching her movements. To be perfectly honest she seemed like a completely normal girl. She went to school, went to work, and came home. Other than her occasional time spent with some very talkative girl, who I had learned was called Emma, and her parents she had a very standard, or be it boring, life. Shaking my head I thought of meeting her friend and parents. I wouldn't have even made myself known under normal circumstances but this was not a normal circumstance. She was it, and I had to be able to take her without any complications. That meant severing the tie between her and the people closest to her. I could have killed them. It wouldn't have been hard, but for some reason I couldn't do that. So instead I went with wiping their memories. They all put up a strong fight but in the end they were no match. Emma put up the biggest struggle, she tried to hold on to every last memory but I couldn't leave anything to chance.

Scanning her face once more I heaved a sigh. I knew what I needed to do but to take her back unconscious would be a chore I didn't feel like tackling, especially after everything I'd just been through. Looking over towards her car I made a last second decision.

Carefully picking her up bridal style I carried her over to the car. Opening the door I gently laid her in the passenger seat. I was about to climb into the driver's seat when I noticed the lack of door that those soldiers had left. Walking over to the crumpled door on the ground I picked it up, straightened it out and after climbing back into the car I shoved it in place. It would do for now. I had overheard the soldiers trying to charm her by helping with her car. What she didn't know was that he was the one who had broken it in the first place. Placing both hands on the wheel I closed my eyes and concentrated. I thought about what I wanted, the car to start. I let out a slow breath, focusing the entire time. It wasn't long until the engine roared to life.

Pulling out of the gravel parking lot I made my way through the small town. I listened as the car sputtered every once in a while, as if it was going to die at any moment. This car was awful, why she seemed to care so much about it I couldn't figure out. But she did, it was evident in the days that I spent watching her. Peeking over at her she was still completely out. I knew I needed to get her someplace where she could rest until she woke up. Spotting a rundown looking motel I smiled; it was perfect.

Parking the car I walked into the main office. It was a dimly lit, neglected looking place. Brown, shag carpet lined the room from wall to wall. A few potted plants stood beside the door, and I could faintly hear music playing from somewhere. The front desk was left unattended and all that was there was a small bell with a sign that read 'Please Ring for Service'. Ringing the bell once it wasn't long before someone came to my assistance.

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