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The line was made, and sides were chosen. The kingdoms of Heaven and Hell were declared. Both fought and blood was drawn; and when the losers were clear they were banished, thrown from Heaven. Since then both sides raged war against each other. Amidst the chaos a council was formed, a Council of Elders. They knew any power, if left unchecked and unchallenged, would threaten the very balance of the universe. They were bound by the ancient laws of the universe, and they enforced them. The Four Horsemen, Conquest, Death, Famine, and War were the power behind the Council’s word, and neither Heaven nor Hell was above them.

The fighting between the two continued and in the middle of it man emerged. Though they were weak and frail, it was said that these creatures would be essential to the outcome of the entire universe. And so it came to be that a third kingdom was named; the Kingdom of Man. Tired of the fighting and the harm that the war was causing all, the Council declared that a truce must be forged between Heaven and Hell until the Endwar was to happen. Three sacred seals were forged by the council, and they were given to each Kingdom. When the Council was sure that each kingdom would be able to endure, the seals would be broken and the Endwar would begin. But, through the eons Hell grew restless. The demons became tired of being held back by the Council, and begged for release from the fiery pits that they had called home for so many years.

A prophecy came into being. It foretold of a ritual and a sacrifice that would merge all three kingdoms and allow the sides to once again battle, regardless of the laws set by the Council. The Council, hearing of the prophecy decided that it was nothing more than myth, but Hell decided that it was the answer to their cries, and began looking for the sacrifice. Heaven, not wanting to break the Council’s orders or fight Hell once again did not wish to put anything to chance. They, too, sent out spies to search for the sacrifice and destroy it before Hell would be able use it in the ritual. Millennia passed and instead of the prophecy fading into nothing more than legend, it grew. The only key that helped the two sides seek out the sacrifice was a single clue. It said, ‘The Sacrifice would be born of fire and light’, meaning one part Heaven and one part Hell. The search continues and both sides feel that they are close to finding the very thing they have sought for so long.


It was late. The sky was a dark, inky black, no stars to light it. The moon was hidden behind thick banks of clouds and it could barely be seen as it peeked between them. A cool breeze whipped through the city, leaving a chill that felt as if it was caused by more than the wind. A lowly figure stood on an empty street corner, head down, jacket wrapped tight around him. He stood just out of reach of the glowing street lamp. His dark eyes scanned the street as if looking for something or someone that was not there. Pulling out his cigarettes he lit one and took a long drag, slowly letting the toxic smoke roll from his mouth into a billowing cloud. About halfway through his peaceful cigarette he heard a sound, a sound that human ears wouldn’t have even detected, the sound of wings. Taking a deep breath, he stood a bit straighter against the brick building that he leaned against.

“Got a light?” said a voice that manifested from the dark alley way beside him. It seemed as if it came from no one in particular but he knew better. Digging into his pocket his fished out his lighter and handed it over. A hand emerged from the shadows and grasped it. Sparking it once, the flame served its purpose by lighting another cigarette. The newcomer inhaled deeply and then exhaled, letting the smoke blow by his face. “You do know it isn’t safe to be out alone at night Ryker?” As he spoke the newcomer stepped from the shadows of the alleyway to stand beside him. He was tall; it was first thing that drew attention to him. The second thing was his perfectly sculpted features; his chiseled jaw, perfectly smooth lips, and deep set, bright gray eyes.  He had a vibrant look about him that made it seem as if he weren’t a day over 25, but to truly look into those eyes and you would see a face that had seen the wear of time. He looked so perfect that it was almost inhuman, but then again this creature was anything but human. He wore baggy jeans, along with a light gray sweatshirt. His sandy brown hair fell into his eyes and it passed unnoticed. He let out a small chuckle at his comment.

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