Chapter 12

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Awareness slowly began to loosen sleep's hold on me. Keeping my eyes closed I languidly stretched, groaning when I felt the soreness from the past day still buried deep in my muscles. As the feeling of sleep began to ebb away my mind began racing with the events of yesterday. The diner. Michael. Thinking Ryker was gone, forever, only to have him not be. My break down. Feeling the crisp sheets beneath my fingers I remembered falling asleep cuddled up next to Ryker, just being thankful that he was still alive. In all honesty, it was probably the best night's sleep I had ever gotten. Peeking my eyes open I found myself looking at an empty bed. Frowning I reached out and felt his empty spot. My hand was met with cool sheets. Where was Ryker? Throwing myself up I scanned the room but found it to be just as empty as the bed. Panic began to set in. Where was he? What if something had happened to him? What if Michael had found us?

"Ryker?!" I said, fear gripping my voice. As I began to throw the covers back and race to the door a sound coming from the bathroom caught my attention. Looking up I watched as Ryker walked out, a concerned expression on his face.

"What?" he asked, taking a few steps towards me. "What's wrong?" Relief flooded through me as I watched him scan me for any sign that I was hurt.

It took me a few moments to realize that he was really there before I could speak. Shaking my head I put up a rueful smile. "Nothing. I didn't know where you were. I thought--" I said, stopping myself from finishing.

The edges of his lips turned up. "I'm right here Carla. I'm not going anywhere."

Throwing him a smile I nodded my understanding. I went to look away but then did a double take at his face. The lower half of his face was covered in what looked like whipped cream. "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused. I gestured to my face. "Oh," he said reaching up and patting the foam on his face. "I was just doing a little shaving." Was that embarassment I was hearing in his voice?

"I didn't know demons needed to shave," I said with a bit of sarcasim.

"This one does, and while I normally don't bother with it it just seemed what I needed," he said.

Giving him a grin I asked, "Where did you get the supplies?"

"The manager was most accomidating," he said with a smile. I could only guess how much charm he had had to lay on the poor unsucspecting manager to acquire those things. Shaking my head I started to get out of bed. "You don't have to get up just yet if you don't want. We aren't in any hurry today."

Snapping my eyes to his I gave him a questioning glance. Ryker had pushed us forward at an inhuman pace over the past few days. If we managed any type of respite from traveling it was normally because he grew tired of my complaining. Now he was allowing me the oppurtunity to sleep in the morning after we had just had another run in with the Guard, not to mention Michael. I began to wonder if he hadn't hit his head. "I don't think I could fall back asleep now anyway," I said getting to my feet.

"Well, the vending machines here didn't have much but there are a few things on the nighstand for a light breakfast." Looking at the nightstand I found a few different kinds of miniature doughnuts, cookies, and a couple bottles of water.

Grabbing one of the bottles I cracked it open and nearly drained half of it. Sitting on the edge of the bed I watched as Ryker walked back to the bathroom and began to finish his morning shave. As I sat there catching glimpses of his face as he concentrated I felt a smile tug at my lips. Watching Ryker, fierce, battle worn Ryker performing such a mundane task took everything I had not to laugh. He seemed so out of place, but in a way I liked it. If I hadn't known what he was capable of, how graceful he was with a sword or how strong he was I would have almost thought him a normal guy. That thought did ellicit a chuckle from me. Cathcing Ryker's gaze in the mirror I smiled.

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