Chapter 21

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“This may be the most disgusting place I’ve ever been in,” I said as I gingerly sat on the edge of my seat.

Normally I would be exaggerating, but as I looked around the run down excuse for a bar, I realized that I had probably understated it. Ryker and I had been driving since before the sun had come up that morning. The entire way we had talked; Ryker had come completely clean about everything. Going into detail he told me about how he was sent to find me, what exactly he was supposed to do with me when he did and the ritual I was meant to be used in. We talk about his plan to hopefully get us both out of the rather large mess we found ourselves in. It wouldn’t be easy, and if it didn’t work out we didn’t have any other options. We were placing all our hope on this one shot.

After I had confessed my feelings for Ryker the night before we had climbed into the small, stiff one person bed. Ryker held me all night, never once letting his grip slacken. It was a nice change, considering I was the one normally holding onto him for dear life. Though Ryker never said that he cared about me the same way I cared about him, he didn’t have to. It was his best quality, his ability to completely communicate his feelings without saying a single word. I knew Ryker cared about me by the way he held me, the gentleness of his kiss; and I knew he needed me by the look in his eyes. I didn’t need to hear the words to know that he meant them.

After only a few hours of sleep Ryker had woken me. Using his amazing ability to talk absolutely anyone into anything, that and his new found talent at speaking perfect Spanish, he had convinced the old man to lend us his truck. It wasn’t much but it was better than flying the entire way, though I don’t think I would have protested overly much if I would’ve had to lie in Ryker’s arms for a few hours.

When I asked him about his magic ability to speak Spanish he only said, “You could do it to you know. Angels and demons, we all know every language out there. If you would only remember to throw off your human tendencies you’d be amazed by what you could know.”

We drove through the early morning and into the sunrise. Through everything that had happened so far, seeing that sun rise over the Mexican desert almost made it all worth it. The beauty was unlike anything I had ever seen. I remembered the stars from the night before, but they were nothing compared to the brilliant colors of the sky as the sun peeked up over the horizon.

Ryker decided that we didn’t need to go all the way into the city to start the next step of our plan. Being in the city would be far too risky. Even with Michael dead it wouldn’t be long before the Guard was back on our trail. I completely agreed with him until I realized that his idea of staying under the radar was a run down, filthy cantina about five miles outside of the city.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said to my statement. “I feel like it has a bit of its own unique charm.”

Scooting my chair away from what I was almost positive were the little presents left behind by mice, I raised a brow. “If dirt and grime are your idea of decorative accents then I don’t think I’ll be able to be with you.”

He smirked. “Well, I’ll be left heartbroken I assure you, but I don’t think Esteban would be to upset from you leaving me.”

“Esteban?” He gestured towards the heavy set, middle aged man behind the bar. “You mean the bartender?” I asked skeptically.

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