13. Both Different. Both Equal.

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Kiara walked down the stairs Saturday morning to find Matt sitting with their uncles and Misha at the breakfast table.

"You are up!" He grinned through a mouthful of whatever food he was gulping down "Get dressed. We need to leave in fifteen minutes"

"Leave where?" she looked down at her t-shirt and pajama bottoms before looking back at Matt. He did look freshly showered and semi-casually dressed.

"Dad's office. You promised to help. Remember?"

"Today?" she raised a brow "We just spoke last n.....evening. I thought..."

"The sooner we begin. The better. We have so much to do together"

"Have some breakfast, Kia" Henry sighed, rolling his eyes at his nephew "Then you can help him with whatever he is up to"

"I made pancakes" Misha declared.

"They are delicious" Matt nodded with another mouthful.

"Really?" Kiara walked to the table and sat beside Jasper "I wouldn't know. She never made us any before"

Jasper snickered from next to her as Misha huffed "I was busy with school. I have some time now. Auntie Jane has volunteered to teach me"

"That's good, Misha" Jasper smiled "I'm so glad you are mingling with the family. We thought you will find Bluewood awfully boring"

"Which is okay" Matt assured Misha hurriedly "Bluewood is a small boring town and you don't have to force yourself to bond with the family if you don't want to. Enjoy your vacation" Kiara could only stare at him dumbfounded.

"Oh, it's no trouble" Misha said "I love Bluewood and I like spending time with auntie Jane. In fact, she is taking me to visit her workplace today. She said she only has a few paperworks to do and then we could tour that place"

"You are going to the Hospital?" Matt's asked sharply.

"Yeah! After lunch actually"

"Maybe Kiara and I could accompany you" he offered

"I thought we were going to work" Kiara narrowed her eyes. The guy was getting more and more suspicious.

"But we are free after lunch"

"We are?"

"Yeah! We aren't going to work all day. It's Saturday"

"I thought you have a lot to do to conquer the world and the galaxy eventually" she challenged.

"Ha ha" he replied "You make me laugh" with a straight face "But seriously, we can take a break after lunch and then continue with our research if you want. Now, excuse me, I need to make a call"

"If I want" Kiara gritted out as soon as he was out of sight "It doesn't seem like anyone gets a lot of what they want with his highness around. I'll go get dressed to do as that little brat says"

"Kia" Henry followed her as she climbed the stairs "Look, I know the way he behaves gets irritating sometimes. Alphas have this tendency to take charge of every situation they are in. It's in their nature" they stopped at her door. "It gets better with age and stability, I promise"

"Well I sure hope it does. Or the people of Bluewood are in for a nightmare. What's his deal with Misha anyway?"

Henry sighed "He just wants to protect her just like you do"

"Yeah! She's my sister. What's she to him?"

"His sister or someone he considers one" Kiara looked at him disbelieving just as realization struck him "Oh! you think.....No, he's not interested in her that way. She's not his mate"

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