Tadaomi Karasuma

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Tadaomi Karasuma x Male reader

Anime: Assassination Classroom

Type: Idk I feel like this oneshot should get it's own category O-o

Notes: Sorry if anyone is a bit out of character. It's been a while since I've watched the anime

Requested by: @randomnamenottaken    (Sorry it took so long. I may or may not have improvised a bit so it's not completely what you asked for. Also, hi!)


(Y/n) was not panicking.

He was keeping everything under control. Yep, (Y/n) (L/n): the super cool, not panicked teacher who was having a completely normal day. Nothing was wrong. Stop questioning him.

And because everything was completely calm and orderly, he found himself running at full speed across the school's campus.

He finally made it to the Class-E building and darted inside, fully prepared to search every classroom for a completely normal reason. Until he, a very calm and well put together person, ran directly into someone.

"(Y/n)?" an obviously confused voice asked while the owner of said voice looked down to the male, who was now sprawled out on the floor. "O-oh hey Tadaomi" (Y/n) said, scrambling up to his feet, "What are you doing here?"

Tadaomi sighed, completely desensitized to (Y/n)'s antics, "What did you do?" "Wha-- why do you think I did anything? I would never--" "(Y/n)" Now Tadaomi was using the scary voice, "What did you do?"

(Y/n) took a deep breath, balling his hands into a fist. "I lost a chicken!" He admitted.


"What?" Tadaomi asked, clearly not knowing whether he should be angry or not. He took a calming breath. They both knew the black haired male would not stay angry for long, especially not when (Y/n) is involved.

(Y/n) leaned in close, whispering in a worried tone, "There is a chicken is loose in this building and I have no idea where she is" It was in moments like these that (Y/n)'s accent thickened and really shone through his words, not that Tadaomi was listening out for it, "I didn't want anyone finding out because I wasn't supposed to bring a chicken to school".

"Why would you think to bring a chicken to school in the first place?!" The taller male hissed, "(Y/n), what the hell?!" The man in question clasped his hands together in mock prayer before begging the other, "Please help me find my chicken!"

For good measure, (Y/n) threw in a healthy dose of puppy-dog eyes. Tadaomi took one look, eyes darting away for a moment before heaving a sigh of defeat. (Y/n) was the one person who Tadaomi could never be mad at. And damn it, (Y/n) knew it!

And that is how two teachers spent most of their break looking for a chicken while trying to not look suspicious (the last part failed and they ended up getting several strange looks).


"So, what's with you and (L/n)?" Irina asked, glancing at (Y/n) from the corner of her eyes. He was not-so subtly feeding bits of the lettuce of his sandwich to the chicken hidden under his desk. If it were not for his training and how deadly he was rumored to be, Irina would have thought he was just some idiot kid. And yet, Tadaomi seemed oddly attached to the young man.

"I mean, he doesn't seem like your type" Irina said before tacking on the afterthought of, "No offence". Tadaomi stopped eating his own lunch. "I don't have a 'type' and (Y/n) is just my coworker" He responded before taking another bite of his food, "And besides, that clueless attitude of his has helped him kill some very powerful people".

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