Hua Cheng

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Hua Cheng x Medium Male Reader

Anime: Heaven Official's Blessings

Type: Fluff (honestly I wrote most of this at 3AM so let's hope it makes sense)

Requested by: SubaruShu6795


"Feakin' stalker" (Y/n) muttered. A little, white butterfly had been following him for the past week or so. No matter how much (Y/n) tried to shoo it, it never strayed far from him. "I'm literally just walking through the forest. I'm safe" He said, waving dismissively at the insect once more. 

The butterfly simply fluttered closer and landed on his hair. "Oh, har har" The human mocked, "If you're so worried you coulda walked with me yourself". Instead of taking him up on the offer, a second butterfly joined the first. It circled his head a few times before landing beside the first, seemingly making a show out of it's arrival. 

Only a few more days. He was already half way through the large forest. Soon, he would be back in a town and where there were people, there were supplies. Food. The poor boy had eaten the last of his rations that morning, not that he would ever say anything about it out loud. 

It was not long after the sun set that (Y/n) decided to build a small fire. His vicious guard-butterflies fluttered gracefully around him as he set up camp. Once he finished, he flopped onto the ground, grimacing slightly as his head hit the dirt a little too hard. "You're super helpful, ya know" He remarked, "I really don't know how I would've set up camp without you". "Well, you know I'm always glad to help" a familiar voice answered. Just as the voice had, it's owner appeared out of nowhere, laying to (Y/n)'s right as if he had been there the whole time.

(Y/n) gave Hua an unamused look. "Welcome to the party" he said. He glanced around, just noticing the sudden lack of butterflies. "What? Did I lose butterfly privileges?" He mused. Hua simply laughed at his words. "There is no need for my butterflies when I am here myself" He answered, sounding just as poetic as always. Or at least, more poetic than (Y/n).

"Yeah, well you don't flap around all pretty-like so.." (Y/n) mentioned, a playful smirk pulling at his lips. "Well, I can do other things" Hua answered, a smirk playing on his lips as well. 

"Oh really?" (Y/n) pressed, "Like what?" Both of them sat up, staring into each other's eyes as they did so. "Oh, many things, but what I can do best of all is.." Hua paused, seemingly for dramatic effect-- a habit he picked up after talking to (Y/n) for so long.

"Cook you food because we both know you did not bring enough"

(Y/n) could not help the short burst of laughter that followed Hua's announcement. So abrupt! The ghost, on the other hand, was being completely serious. 

Hua reached into a small bag that (Y/n) just realized he was carrying. He pulled out several ingredients. Some were perishable, clearly meant to be used that night, however a few were either dried or preserved. Hua must have assumed he had under packed by several days. I mean, he was right, but dang.

"Aw, yes!" (Y/n) smiled and did a tiny victory dance, "Hua's cooking for me. I'm eating good tonight!" "And you're going to help" the red eyed male gently reminded. 

(Y/n) snorted at his words. "I done set up camp and lit the fire. You're on your own with the cooking, Mr. I'm-only-showing-up-after-you-do-the-work" He playfully retorted.

The two were quiet while Hua cooked. There was no need to break the peaceful silence with conversation. (Y/n) spent the time staring up at the sky. The moon was a little more than a sliver and was still fairly low in the sky.

Once the food was prepared, the two ate together. A question plagued (Y/n)'s mind, however he kept it to himself. It really was not his place to ask. 

He supposed his face was far more telling than he thought it was. Hua threw him a questioning look. "Is something wrong?" He asked. (Y/n) hummed, looked down at his food, and took a bite before looking back up.

"Erm... nothing too important" He answered, "Just a question I've had, but it can wait". A short spell of silence existed between the two before Hua spoke up. "I do not mind your questions" He said.

(Y/n) nodded, bravely meeting Hua's eyes despite wanting nothing more than to take back all that he had just said. "Why do you follow me around like you do?" He asked, "I mean... I don't mind it, but I can't be the only person who could use your protection". 

"I'm just a mortal. There's really nothing special about me besides seeing you. Surely there are plenty of people with my gift who are far more worthy of your time" He argued. His eyebrows furrowed as his gaze turned to the ground. A certain frustration bubbled up in his chest. He felt as if his words were coming out wrong.

"Perhaps you are correct" Hua agreed. (Y/n) blinked owlishly at him. Sure, he agreed with the other's words, but the lack of an argument threw him off. "You are, after all, not the only medium in the area. I could just as easily protect them".

"However" the spirit continued, "I chose to protect you. There is no reason other than that I have grown fond of you" He chuckled and gave a sweet smile, "You're quite charming".

(Y/n) ate the last few bites of his meal before placing the empty bowl beside himself. "So.. You protect me because I'm charming?" Confusion was evident on his face as he tilted his head to the side with an amused smile, "What kind of answer is that?"

"The correct one" Hua answered immediately. Once again (Y/N) found himself silent. His ears turned red at the answer. He leaned back onto the grassy ground below. The stars were gorgeous that night. They shown brightly as if trying to impress him. 

"You know, if I'm so charming, you could try traveling with me for a change" He playfully retorted. "You still have yet to tell me where you're going" Hua answered. To that, (Y/n) shrugged. "I haven't decided yet" He said with a wistful sigh, "I'm just.. going".

Hua nodded, but kept any questions he might have had to himself. "Well" He leaned back, laying beside (Y/n) and turning his gaze to the sky as well, "I hope you find your way". Admittedly, (Y/n)'s face went a little red at his tone. The other had such a rich voice that any compliment or even nice words he spoke were enough to make someone swoon. However, (Y/n) would never let him see. 

He quickly beat down those emotions. After all, he was only a human. Hua was a powerful spirit who had his own problems and duties. "Thanks" He responded once realizing he had not already. 

Hua turned to him and gave a smile. "Of course" he said, "And if not.." He turned on his side, propping his head up with one hand and using the other to smooth over (Y/n)'s hair, "I'll be there to guide you". 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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