Mikaela Hyakuya

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Mikaela Hyakua x Noble Male Reader

Anime: Seraph of the End

Type: Honestly? No clue

Requested by: Crystalz_Light


"Wow. These guys totally aren't buzzkills"

Mika jumped at the sarcastic voice. The man beside him laughed at his reaction, as if he had not suddenly appeared behind the young human. He wore a Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts, and sunglasses. Needless to say, he stuck out and Mika found himself wondering how he missed him.

"I mean, seriously. They work with a bunch of kids and they still haven't figured out a sense of humor?" He asked, a teasing tone under the question.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Mika asked, sounding polite as always, despite the strange situation. "Right. Where are my manors?" The older man took a step back, bowing dramatically at the human, "I'm (Y/n)" He stood back up, pushing his glasses back in place, "And who might you be?"

"I'm- I'm Mikaela" He introduced, obviously wary of (Y/n). This man looked about seventeen or eighteen. If he were human, he would have been killed. No, (Y/n) had to be a vampire. An odd vampire, but still a vampire.

"Well, Mikaela. It's nice to meet you" (Y/n) said with a smile, "Anyway, I--" "MIKA!!" Yuu's voice called. (Y/n) gave an curious hum at the other boy's presence. Yu pulled Mika away from the vampire, putting himself in between the two.

(Y/n) simply waved at the angry child, lips still holding that same smile, as if Yuu was not glaring at him. "Well, on that note, I think I'll leave you two alone" He said, "Bye, Mikaela. Mikaela's friend". With that, the vampire turned on his feet and strolled away, not in any kind of hurry.

"Hey, Mika" Yuu started, pulling the blonde boy's attention away from the vampire, "Who was that guy?" "A very strange vampire" Mika answered, "He called himself (Y/n)". Yuu hummed, frowning at the mention of a vampire.

The two began their trek back to their family, not giving any more mind to the odd vampire.


"Where the FUCK is Mika?!" (Y/n)'s angry voice practically shook the room they stood in. When he had gotten word as to what the boy had gone through-- watching his family die, being killed, and then being reborn into the one creature he despised more than anything--, the irate vampire took no time in racing back to where they first met, fully prepared to kill.

He might have only known Mika for a few months, but he was a sweet boy who did not deserve that.

Ferid seemed not at all bothered or surprised by his outburst. "Still not wearing your uniform, I see?" He noted, smirking at the other vampire, who was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. "Does it look like I give a shit? Where is Mika?!" (Y/n) hissed, bearing his fangs at the other.

"No need to be so hostile. He's sleeping in the next room over" Ferid explained, "He had a long day, you know". (Y/n) said nothing as he stormed out of the room, not bothering to knock as he went into the other.

Mika was still asleep, not that (Y/n) could blame him. He could only imagine the kind of pain he was in. The vampire's anger dissipated as he looked down at the boy. He knelt beside him, brushing a strand of blonde hair from the younger's face.

"I'm... I'm sorry" He whispered, not wanting to wake Mika, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you". (Y/n) grabbed a blanket that sat folded up on the bed and draped it over the boy. "You're not alone, though. I'll protect you from the others" he promised.

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