Everything will fall in place (MahiRoVi)

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MI had lost against RCB resulting into their 4th loss. Rohit didn't meet anyone and went to his room immediately.

Here Virat was searching for Rohit but didn't find him. As Virat himself was down a bit he also went to his room after talking to the youngsters.

Virat just thought that he didn't want to take his anger out on anybody.

When Rohit got freshen up after that he received a call which he needed the most.

"Hello Ro !" Said Mahi bhai from the other side.

"Hi Mahi bhai" said Rohit with sigh listening to his voice.

"You are not busy na?" Asked Mahi.

"No bhai and never busy for you" said Rohit.

"How are u feeling Ro ? I know it's hard this time. Are u okay?" asked Mahi knowing what he must be going through.

"Everything is so messed up bhai. We are just not getting over the line. I don't know how to motivate myself let alone others" said Rohit letting out his emotions.

"But Ro u have bounce back every time. U can do it this time. Don't be so hard on yourself" said Mahi trying to console him.

"It's so disturbing bhai. Everything u know ! I am not able to concentrate on the batting too" said Rohit whining about his troubles.

"I can understand Rohit but u have to be a little patient about it. You are the best captain IPL has ever got". said Mahi assuring him.

"Really bhai ?" asked Rohit.

"Rohit u have 5 trophies .. literally half of the season. And u still need assurance for that" said Mahi stating the fact.

"But bhai everything is so complicated" said Rohit again pacing around the room angrily.

"Rohit calm down" said Mahi hearing the breaths.

"It's so tough bhai" said Rohit slamming the vase of the table angrily.

"Rohittttt" yelled Mahi. "Calm down this instant and sit calmly .. Are u hurt somewhere ?" added Mahi.

"No bhai" said Rohit

"Nothing is tough or complicated Rohit .. it's just the sources of criticism have increased through media and we cannot stop that" said Mahi.

"What we can do is look for your room of improvement. Only see how u can better yourself." said Mahi explaining it to him.

"Bhai I really miss u" whined Rohit like a child.

"I miss u too .. we will meet soon" said Mahi.

"And don't worry everything will fall in place.. just don't loose faith and control ur anger Rohit" said Mahi lovingly

"So you met Cheeku ? How was meeting him ?" asked Mahi changing the topic.

"Ohh ! I didnt .. I came directly to the room. Sorry bhai" said Rohit being guilty of not meeting Virat.

"Mahi bhai u call him na and keep it on conference. I have to listen if he is angry on me" said Rohit.

"Wait i will call him" said Mahi dialling Virat.


Meanwhile in Virat's room -

He is pacing in anger due to the decision of the umpire and his luck. Why always him? He was trying so hard .. practicing in nets and everything he could do.

He checked his phone and yet another day he is trending. There isn't a single day that he is not trending and everyone is judging him and comparing him with other players.

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