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****March 2010****

Focused on her sketches, Lexi felt her assistant, Heather, approach her quietly. Pencil in hand, she looked up to Heather's expectant expression. "Did they make a decision?"

Heather nodded, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yep, it's official. Chris Evans is going to be playing Captain America."

Lexi's groan of disbelief filled the air, her gaze shifting from her sketchpad to the detailed drawing of the Captain America costume. She looked at Heather with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. "You can't be serious."

With a casual shrug, Heather confirmed, "Totally serious. I mean, he's stupid hot."

"Or just stupid," Lexi muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at the thought. She returned her attention to her drawing, determined to focus despite her annoyance.

Heather hesitated for a moment before continuing, her tone slightly hesitant. "He's scheduled to come in for measurements in a few days. Can I maybe be the one to do it?"

Lexi couldn't help but chuckle at Heather's eagerness. She looked up, shaking her head. "No chance. I'll be the one handling that. We already know each other, and I'm not letting you drool all over Captain America."

Heather pouted playfully. "You're no fun."

"Sorry to disappoint," Lexi retorted, returning to her sketching. "Now, run along and find something else to do, will you?"

Heather grinned and gave a mock salute before heading off. "Yes, ma'am!"

With a bemused smile, Lexi went back to her task, her thoughts once again consumed by the upcoming task of measuring Chris Evans for the iconic Captain America attire.


Chris strolled down the corridor, his gaze drawn to the open door of a room where Lexi was engrossed in her work. Her blue eyes darted across the page, framed by her blonde hair that still had the same charming way of falling across her face. She looked just as he remembered, albeit now sporting glasses.

The sound of her voice broke his reverie. "Banana butt boy. Stop lurking and being a creep and get in here."

Chuckling at her unfiltered attitude, Chris stepped into the room, letting the door close behind him. Lexi hadn't even looked up from her work. His eyes caught sight of a timid figure in the corner, a girl with dark hair holding a clipboard. "Hi, I'm Chris."

The girl blushed, her voice soft. "Heather. I'm Lexi's assistant."

A warm smile tugged at his lips as Lexi finally set her sketchpad aside. "Oh, Lexi has assistants now."

Lexi laughed, rising from her seat and facing him. She studied him with a hint of amusement as he stood with his arms crossed. "You're bigger than I remember. Still neglecting leg day though?"

Chris chuckled, shaking his head. "And you're still just as charming as ever," he teased, pulling her into a tight hug. He couldn't help but notice Heather's presence. "Mind if we have a moment alone?"

Heather hesitated but eventually left the room at Lexi's behest. Lexi rolled her eyes at Heather's departure. "She's a bit too eager sometimes. Anyway, let's get this done. Arms out."

Chris complied, allowing Lexi to take measurements while she held her pencil between her lips, her blush more pronounced when their eyes met. As she knelt before him, Chris couldn't help but tease. "You know, how do we always end up in these positions?"

Lexi chuckled, shaking her head. "Just fate, I guess." She handed him the end of the measuring tape. "Inner thigh, hold it there." 

Clearing his throat, Chris did as she instructed, his gaze fixed on her as she measured his inseam. His playful banter slipped out once again. "It's not like you haven't been close to my junk already."

She shook her head, blushing slightly as she giggled. "Well, at least you're in control of yourself this time," she teased back, moving the tape to his other leg. 

Chris laughed, enjoying their familiar banter. "You know, maybe you're just not as hot as you used to be."

Standing up, Lexi playfully hit him in the stomach. "So mean!"

Another laugh escaped Chris as he rubbed his stomach. "I was kidding, Lexi."

Noticing her drawing pad on the table, he picked it up. "You draw?"

Lexi blushed slightly. "Yeah, just sketches. I was working on the Captain America costume design, added your face when I found out it was you."

Chris chuckled, flipping through the pages. "These are really impressive, Lexi." He set the pad back down, his expression becoming more serious. "Looks like we're going to be working together again. Let's move past our history."

Her grin was infectious. "You mean the banana incident?"

Groaning dramatically, Chris shook his head. "Am I ever going to live that down?"

Lexi shrugged, her smile sly. "Who knows? But now you're Captain America, so you've certainly come a long way. By the way, I loved you in Fantastic Four."

Chris grinned. "Thank you! I appreciate that." Crossing his arms, he admitted, "I'm a bit nervous about taking on such an iconic role. New environment, new challenges."

Lexi's hand found its way to his arm. "It's not all new. You know me, and I promise not to mention the banana incident."

Chris laughed, appreciating her gesture. "Deal."

Leaning closer, Lexi whispered playfully, "Or you know, that you got a chub for me... back then."

Groaning again, Chris's face turned a shade redder. "Why do you have to be so mean, Alexis?"

She grinned mischievously. "It's one of the few things that keep me entertained, Christopher. A bit disappointed I didn't get a reaction just now."

Chris's laughter filled the room. "Who says you didn't?" He saw her blush this time, and he leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek before heading toward the door. "I'll see you in a few weeks for the fitting."

He left the room, leaving Lexi alone with a mix of emotions and a lingering warmth on her cheek.

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