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Lexi turned around as Chris walked into her workroom in London, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Hey, Chris! How's it going?"

He grinned and pulled her into a hug, and after a moment of surprise, she hugged him back. "I'm actually planning on going out tonight with some people from set. Thought I'd check if you're up for joining us. Drinks, good company, and some fun."

She returned his smile. "Sure, I'm in. Just don't keep me out too late, alright?"

As Chris started changing his clothes right in front of her, Lexi turned to give him some privacy, hearing his laughter. "Why the sudden modesty?"

She chuckled and glanced back at him as he stood in his underwear. "Not shy, just respectful of your space."

Chris nodded as he put on his khaki pants. "Right."

Lexi's gaze dipped to his chest, a playful comment escaping her lips. "Shame."

He looked down as he buttoned his pants, curious. "What's a shame?"

"That they decided to wax your chest..." Lexi met his gaze, her eyes tracing back to his chest. 

He shrugged, running his hand down from his left pec to his stomach as her eyes followed his hand. "Well, pre-serum Steve was supposed to look sickly, so they probably figured he wouldn't have had chest hair." He took a step toward her as her eyes finally found their way back to his. "Why? Do you prefer chest hair?"

She nodded, feeling a slight flutter in her chest as she met his gaze. "Yeah, I do."

He playfully reached up, taking her glasses from her head and putting them back on her face, pushing back a strand of her blonde hair as he did. "And I like these glasses. I miss the bangs, too."

Lexi took a step back, refocusing on the moment. "Alright, let's get you ready for set."

Chris nodded, pulling on a t-shirt. "There a reason all these shirts are so small?"

Lexi laughed, her hands finding their way to his arms. "Because the fans want to see those muscles, Chris."

"Do you enjoy seeing them?" he asked, a playful twinkle in his eye.

She chuckled, shaking her head as she grabbed his dog tags, following him out of the room. "Chris, it doesn't really matter what I like. Especially after you forever ruined bananas for me." His laughter filled the air as he followed her down the hall.


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Lexi observed as Chris removed his shirt and dog tags, handing them to her

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Lexi observed as Chris removed his shirt and dog tags, handing them to her. The crew around him busied themselves with adding a bit of sweat to his appearance, and she noticed that he seemed slightly uncomfortable with all the attention he was receiving. She followed his performance as he acted out the scene, surprised when Hayley's character grabbed him as he stepped out of the machine. Lexi couldn't help but roll her eyes when Chris turned to face her, his laughter clearly audible.

A blush crept onto her cheeks as he winked at her before walking off the set. The day continued, and eventually, Lexi found herself in her room, engrossed in her sketches. She looked up to see Chris entering the room, changing into his regular clothes.

"Hey, I'll see you tonight, right? Can I get your phone?"

Lexi nodded, handing over her phone to him. She watched as he input his number and then sent himself a text. He handed the phone back with a smile. "I'll text you the details about tonight, alright?"

Lexi nodded, her heart doing a little dance at the thought. "Sounds good."

As he turned to leave, she watched him go, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. When he looked back at her before exiting the room, she couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation for the plans they had made for later.


Lexi headed back to her hotel room to change into a comfortable yet stylish outfit – skinny jeans paired with a blue blouse. She pulled her hair back with a clip, making sure to look her best before heading out. Following the address Chris had texted her, she walked a few blocks to the pub. The place was already bustling with people, including many from the cast and crew. She spotted Chris sitting in a corner, engaged in conversation with Hayley and a couple of friends.

As he noticed her, Chris stood up and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Lexi," he greeted warmly. He introduced his two friends to her, motioning to them with air quotes. "These are my friends from back in Boston, Zach and Jon. They like to call themselves my assistants."

Lexi laughed at the gesture, shaking their hands. "Nice to meet you." Chris motioned for her to take a seat between him and Hayley. She couldn't help but notice the slight annoyance in Hayley's expression, which only made her laugh more.

Jon leaned over Chris to talk to her. "So you're the banana butt girl?!"

Lexi burst into laughter as she heard Chris groan. "Guilty as charged. You know about that?"

Jon laughed, nodding. "Oh, we definitely know about you."

She giggled, shooting a playful look at Chris. "I thought that was a forbidden topic forever."

Chris pushed Jon playfully, trying to divert the conversation. "Alright, that's enough of that."

Lexi shrugged with a grin. "It's all good, Chris."

Chris then turned his attention to her, his eyes softening. He gently removed the clip from her hair, allowing her blonde locks to cascade over her shoulder. Handing the clip back to her, he ran his fingers through the ends of her hair. "You haven't changed a bit. You still look exactly the same."

Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she met his gaze. "You, on the other hand, have changed."

He raised an eyebrow with a hint of amusement. "Oh? How so?"

Lexi gestured to his muscles. "Besides the obvious." She reached up and touched his cheek affectionately. "You don't have the face of a boy anymore."

Chris grinned, leaning in closer to her ear to speak softly. "Can I walk you back to your room later? So I can kiss you without any prying eyes?"

Her heart raced, and she managed to nod despite her flustered state. "I'd like that."

With a satisfied smile, he suggested, "But first, let's get you a drink."

Lexi agreed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation as they made their way to the bar together.

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