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Thump. The golden hair girl jumped as her carriage hit a rock or a lump on the ground. Waking her up from her restless nap. She didn't get much sleep as she studied and researched this new place she was moving to, Avonlea. It's different then what she was used to.  She didn't grow up with horses or crops, she grew up with tall buildings and restaurants. 

She never found out the reason she moved to this quite sedated town in Canada. Her parents never told her but she didn't agree with it at first. She wanted to go to college, a big-league college. But once she found out about Queens she eased into the idea of this Avonlea.

Growing up in New York and moving to an unknown town, especially in the countryside, it'll take a toll on her. She'll have to get used to the environment and how they do stuff. This also means she'll have to work. Something completely new to her.

"Ahem, Miss. We arrived at your estate." The coachman said. The golden-haired girl nodded politely and got out, her feet touching the white ground, as she did it crunched under her feet.

"Ansley! Ansley!" An older woman shouted. Ansley ran up to the older woman and hugged her. "How are you my Ansley dear?" the woman then questioned the girl.

"I'm fine, it's a bit different here than what I'm used to" she replied, "At least, it snows here too, are the lakes already frozen? I wanna skate" she continued with a bright grin.

"Ahh yes, the lakes. They are frozen, but hmm" The older woman trailed off "you don't have any friends here yet. Let's go visit the Blythe's, He is a great boy and your age at that."

Ansley nodded but before they left they put Ansley's stuff inside the house and set off their adventure to the Blythe's. After a few miles they arrived, and the older woman knocked on their door.

"One moment please," an older man said. Inside you can hear other people talking and a baby crying. Moments later the older man opened the door. 

"Ahh, Miss. Longsdale so good to see you" This older brown fellow said holding his hand out to greet the other lady. "Oh, and who is this?" He then looked over to Ansley who is standing beside the lady. 

"This is my niece, Ansley. From my side of course" the Aunt said with a chuckle. Ansley was about to say something until three other people went up to the door to see who the new person is. 

"Oh, this is your niece? She looks to be about Anne's and Gilbert's age" Another older woman said. "Rachel come here, Miss. Longsdale's niece is here." then another old lady came to the door with a baby, assuming this was Rachel.

"Ooo, you're not from Canada are you?" Rachel questioned with a puzzled look, while also trying to keep the baby from crying.

"No ma'am, I'm from New York. The mainland" Ansley finally spoke as it was her turn. The two other people at the door she assumed were Gilbert and Anne. Anne with bright red hair that resembled carrots as Ansley thought. Gilbert with brown fixed-up hair, maybe from his cap. 

"New York? That must've been far travel, how was the travel?" Rachel continued, asking more questions. Ansley continued to answer them all. The travel was nice, but to admit Ansley slept for most of it. "Oh let's get you guys inside, I forgot it's snowing out there" Rachel chuckled as she pushed aside everyone to let Ansley and her aunt inside.

"Would you like some tea?" The carrot-haired girl asked. Ansley nodded and her aunt as well.

The carrot girl got the tea ready as Ansley and her aunt sat at the table with the man who opened the door and the other boy. Rachel went to the baby's room to put her to sleep.

"Oh my apologies, My name is Sebastian, but you can call me Bash" The older man spoke, "And this is Gilbert, around the same age as you." 

"Hello, My name is Ansley as you already knew, and yes he is probably the same age as me," Ansley said. Ansley wanted to continue but something cut her off. 

The door opened and came to a brown lady, "Guests? I didn't know we had guests. My apologies" the woman said. "I'm Mary, Bash's wife, and you?"

"I'm Ansley, Miss. Longsdale's niece" She replied with a smile and shook Mary's hand.

"Miss. Longsdale you never told me you had a niece? Or a brother" Mary questioned as she was getting her coat off.

"Ah yes, my brother. I don't mention him often because he lives on the mainland, New York." Ansley's Aunt replied, sipping her tea. Ansley shifted in her seat, her parents are supposed to come down a week after Ansley arrived. She misses them and worries about their travels as it's been snowing hard.

Her parents couldn't leave just yet but they wanted Ansley to get situated and use to the place before school started again in Avonlea. As she grew more in thought she heard voices talking, then her name being called repeatedly so she snapped out of thought.

"Gilbert here was just saying he and all his classmates are going to go by the lake to play ice hockey, do you want to join," Her aunt said, turning her head to Gilbert and then smiling. Then Ansley looked over at Gilbert and Anne and they both smiled. Ansley didn't want to be rude so she shared a smile back.

"Maybe, I got to see where I'm at with my studies" Ansley replied drinking more of the tea that's cold by now because of her train of thought. She noticed frowns appearing on Gilberts and Anne's faces. "But, I did pack my skates and was wondering about frozen lakes. So I will go" she smiled as they both smiled again.

"Great, okay. I'll meet you at your house then we can walk to the lake" Gilbert said with a smile. Then at the corner of Ansley's eye, she saw Anne roll her eyes. She didn't understand why though, Gilbert was only being nice.

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