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Ansley woke up that morning with a pit in her stomach. Not wanting to go to school since she put up the notice on the board. Was it even worth it?

As usual Ansley woke up late, her aunt told the boys to go to school without her. And so they did just that. Ansley got ready for school and ate breakfast. Then walked to school, alone.

As she walked in, all eyes went to her. Of course they would, she's late. She smiled and hung her coat and cap. She walked over to her spot and sat while the girls gossip. 

"Ansley, did you write the notice note" Josie asked, sending Ansley in a spiral, she felt like she was gonna puke. 

Ansley nodded and the girls giggled "So you like Moody Spurgeon, who would've thought?" Diana replied with a laughter. Ansley shushed them and told them to keep their voices down. 

"Everyone saw the notice board already" Jane said, Ansley just groaned and slammed her head on the desk. When she looked up she saw Moody staring at her. Then he quickly turned his head, blushing a little. Ansley chuckled at his response.

The girls talked more while Ansley was trying to catch up from her being late this morning. AS class was nearing towards lunch time, Ansley was not looking forward to it. 

"Okay go have lunch" Miss Stacy said after finishing her lesson. In so everyone got up and went to their places. Ansley went to the notice board and read her note again 'Ansley Longsdale fancies Moody Spurgeon' she regretted it. 

Then someone tapped her shoulder making her jump a little, it was Gilbert. She smacked his arm for scaring her. "Sorry, so you and Moody?" He questioned giving a puzzled look while pointing towards the notice. 

"Not exactly" Ansley quickly replied, not wanting to talk about it "Anyways sorry to leave, my friends are waiting for me." She smiled at him and turned to walk to her friends.

"So, wanna give us the news?" Tillie asked the girl. Ansley rolled her eyes and sighed. "I fancy Moody Spurgeon, I don't know how he feels about me" she replied eating her lunch.

After lunch was finished, they headed back to class and worked. Then Queens study grouped stayed and the rest left. The girls said bye to Diana since she can't study for Queens. 

Moody walked over to Ansley and asked to study together. She said ask Miss Stacy, but he already did. So she agreed. She couldn't refuse because that'll seem like she doesn't fancy him even though she fancies him. 

"Wow, your notes are... amazing" He said, breaking Ansley's train of thought. One thing she doesn't like is being disturbed while she studies. She nodded and Moody went back to his studies.

Ansley notices him struggling on a problem and helps him. She shows him how to do it, how to check it, and how to write it. He smiles and thanks her silently. 

This continues a few times until it's time to leave. Moody offers to walk Ansley home and she accepts.

"So, you fancy me?" The boy questions looking over to the flustered Ansley. She doesn't know why she is flustered. She doesn't get flustered when anyone else asks her, so why him?

She nods, and looks down. "You've been quite all day, are you sick?" He questions more, trying to hear her voice. Her sweet gentle voice that's loud enough to be heard close to people but not loud enough to be heard from down a cliff. 

"I'm just exhausted" She replied letting out a sigh. She's not really tired, she sleeps in most of the time. Moody doesn't pry into it more, so the trip to Ansley's place was awkward, really awkward. Also had an uncomfortable silence, not because they don't know what to say it's because they don't want to say anything.

They arrive at Ansley's and they do their regular cute thing. Shake hands and wave bye to each other.

"Aunt. I'm Home" Ansley announces as she goes inside the house. Her aunt comes downstairs to greet her and hugs her. "Your heating up dear, are you sick" her aunt questions dearly, Ansley was annoyed on why everyone is asking if she is sick or not. But she actually might be.

Ansley shrugged, "Call me for supper, i'll be laying down. I don't feel good in all honesty" she replied walking upstairs. "I'll Just bring it to you dear, stay in bed. No studying" Her aunt demanded as Ansley was walking in her room.

Ansley slept not knowing it, she missed supper but woke up early for school. But before she could call her aunt to her, she threw up on the ground.

Her aunt heard and ran straight to her room. She sighed at the mess and helped Ansley out of the bed. "Go downstairs and sit on the couch, i'll clean this up. If your friends are at the door, tell them your sick" Her aunt demanded getting the rag and bucket from the upstairs closet.

Ansley walks downstairs and sits on the couch. She reads a book and hears a knock on the door. Must be the boys. She walks and opens it. 

"Are you alright, you don't look to good" Gilbert said, worried at Ansley's state. Ansley nodded and invited them in. Ansley sat on the couch while the boys stood in front of her. She explained she was sick and wasn't going to school till she felt better.

Moody told her he will bring her school books so she can catch up. She thanked him and walked them out.

For the next few days Ansley's routine went like this. She got up, threw up, showered, went downstairs ate breakfast, went back to her room, slept, got her school books from Moody, talked with Moody for a little, ate supper, did her school, went to sleep, Moody stopped by in the morning to pick up her school books, and then cycle repeats. 

She felt better and better by the day and when the weekend came up, she was feeling a lot better. Better enough to go to Anne's birthday and back to school.


Sorry for the short chapter, this was more or less a filler till Anne's birthday. I've been rearranging my room and getting rid of stuff so lately has been a spur for me. Anyways I hope you enjoy this story. 

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