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"Ask whoever took the printing press, because it's not here" Anne had mention, us now realizing it's gone, and others realizing just who took it.

Just a whole bunch of arguing spewed up between everyone. I had enough, "Whoever took it, Was just simply mad. Mad at us or mad in the head. That isn't the point now. They took both the press and the school, something that was very dear to us." I spoke up. 

"This is no ones fault" Ms. Stacy spoke up, "This is the fault of small minds! We don't know exactly what happened, and we may never, but we cannot let it knock us down or silence us. Yes, this is a vile, spineless act. But it's proof positive that we made an impact. Kudos to you! Now is the time to focus on your futures and the Queens entrance exams, and not on this act of... cowardice!" I don't think any of us wanted to admit it was the council men, but hearing Ms. Stacy not trying to cry and stay strong for us is something I can not stand by.

Anne runs off to who knows where. We all split our ways and rejoice later at Ms. Stacy's. I spoke no word, not to Moody or the other classmates. I could not have. It was just dreadful. 

We all just sat there studying at Ms. Stacy's no where else to go. I just felt kind of empty. Anne shouting broke my train of thought. Her just having so much fire. Going on and on about how Mrs. Lynde had no idea, how it was all their fault. How we could've done something. Could we have done something?

I'm just sitting next to Moody trying to focus, to study. He grabs my hand and holds it awhile. I just smile to myself, still not in the mood for anyone. I just couldn't handle the silence, the studying, the pressure. I just got up and left. 

Moody chased shortly after. This has become such a routine it's almost funny. "Ansley, what's wrong" Moody says as he is coming close to me. I just held his hand.

"I'm just tired and wanna go home. Tests are tomorrow. You can come with me if you would like" I just realized I had offer that, those words just poured out of my mouth without a second thought. He just nodded and we went back to mine. 

I was greeted to three familiar faces and my face lit so bright. I dropped Moody's hand and rushed towards my parents and my new little baby sister. I look back and just see Moody with a smile on his face. I motion him to come over. 

I properly introduce him to my parents and I just want to say their facial expressions were less then ideal. "Is something the matter?" I questioned towards them.

"We did not expect you to court someone." My father had said. I just look at them puzzled. 

"We moved, and you did not expect me to fall in love? You expect me to study and go to Queens to run your business. I was far in happy in New York and you guy decided to move here and expect me not to live a happy and earnest life?" I snapped, forgetting Moody was still in the room. I gave my surroundings not a second to mind. 

"It's late and I've got Queens Exams tomorrow, so does Moody. He is going to sleep over, I don't need your permission since you guys are the ones who left me here alone for a week. We will be in my room. He will be sleeping on the floor so don't worry about that part" I took Moody's hand and went upstairs. 

"Maybe I should just go home" Moody whispered to me. I shook my head with tears forming in my eyes.

"Please stay, I don't want to be alone with them at this moment. If they do not like you, they will have to learn too" I pleaded. He just put his head down and kept following me.

We got to my room and I made a bed for him on the floor. Isaac had left some of his clothes here so Moody put them on. They fit surprisingly. I went to the bathroom to change while Moody changed in my room. When I got out I heard my parents talking.

"She's out of control" I heard my father say.

"She's just like you when you were little, don't forget that." My mother replied.

"Will she expect to marry that boy?"

"Your mother hadn't approved of me at first. Let's give the boy a chance. She seems really happy." 

"We should've just handed her off to Isaac"

The baby started crying which prompted them to stop the conversation and head upstairs. I rush back to my room and see Moody shirtless.

"Sorry, What happened to the other shirt" I questioned whipping my body around. He just chuckled.

"I spilt something on it. I hope you don't mind. The shirt I mean" He hesitantly replied.

I waited for a few seconds. A few more. "Are you done" I question and he just said yes. So I turned back around trying to hide my flustered red face. I just notice him not trying to laugh. I hit him with my clothes and threw them in the hamper.

"Goodnight Moody Spurgeon" I hastily said, trying to get in my bed.

"Goodnight Ansley 'Spurgeon' Longsdale" Whispering the Spurgeon part. Which I still heard in which I replied with throwing a pillow at him. He gets all offended and we continued throwing pillows at each other. We both get tired and lay on my bed. 

We just talk and talk till I accidentally fall asleep. I wake up and notice Moody not in my room at all. I rush downstairs and notice him with my parents. I can't read his face at all. "What have you been telling him?" I shouted at my parents.

"Just sit down Ansley" My father demanded.

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