𝓐𝓷𝓼𝓵𝓮𝔂'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮

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Dear Moody Spurgeon,

Where do I start? I don't know what my parent's told you. I do not dare to ask. I want to hear it directly from you. I am sorry this all happened. Whatever they have told you I hope you still love me. Because I love you very much. While I'm in New York I will still love you Moody Spurgeon. New York will not bring me as much joy as being with you, with you in your arms or across from you fighting. I will miss our little banters. I will miss our special moments. You have no idea how much I love you and how much you broke my heart on that day. I had given you funds for after your terms at Queens you can hopefully visit me. I would love to see a friendly face from Avonlea. A little extra is there for your mother as well. She has treated me with the most respect. I will love her as my own mother. I have not talked to anyone within a week. I guess this note is the only form of communication I've spoken. I just wanted one last kiss. One last everything with you. I hope I gave this note to you in person. That your as broken hearted as me you can not with stand communication for a week. But I know you have Charlie and Gilbert by your side. Give them my thanks, for making me feel welcomed at Avonlea. Same with Anne and the other girls. I love them too dear. I know New York will treat me well. My father's business is all that should matter to me. It's something I've known I had to work towards all my life. It's been my reward for being born I guess. My Great Grandfather owned land in Avonlea, did you know? Quite a small world if you had known my great grandfather. I don't think I have much to say now. I will probably rethink this letter and had realized I forgotten something but I guess it will be to late since you are currently reading this right now. I left a shoelace for you. Might be a silly gesture but it's the shoelace from my ice skates. The ones I was wearing the first day we met. I do not know what you will be doing with it but keep it as a souvenir or something of that sort. I think that is all I had to say. Moody Spurgeon, I never want you to forget I love you, you are the love of my life and I still hope I am yours. With this being said, I send regards to you and all of Avonlea. Goodbye Moody Spurgeon, I love you.

Sincerely, Ansley Longsdale

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