Chapter Two - A Day Like Any Other

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After eating a bowl of cereal from the stockpile in my pantry, I race to go into the forest. I run out the front door and around the side of my house, through the flower field, over the hill and through the forest, into the clearing. "Oak Tree! I have this jug of water for you today!" I feel slightly childish talking to a tree, but I don't have anyone else to talk to, so I don't really mind, even if it ends up being a conversation with myself. I pour the jug of water onto the roots of the oak tree and put the jug down on the grass, I then make my way over to the swing and sit down, swaying slightly in the breeze and enjoying the warm sun shining on my face. It was a day like any other.

The sun is setting a bright red to a fiery orange, a beautiful sunset, like most other days. The sky now looks and incredibly dark shade of purple, almost a black, so I should be getting home. I stand from the swing and pick up the jug. "Goodbye Oak Tree! I will see you tomorrow!" I wave at Oak Tree and run through the forest, over the hill, through the flower field, around the side of my house, and through the front door. I grab a small granola bar from the pantry, avoiding the cobwebs, and make my way upstairs. I run to my closet, and take out my pyjamas, a plain white t-shirt and plain black tracksuit pants. I put them on and flop down hard on my bed, hurting myself a little in the process. A few minutes later I feel my eyes close slowly and I drift into a deep sleep.

Author again, told you I'd see you soon 😊 sorry it's short but I'll write another chapter now, I'll post it soon 😊 Have a great day/night, look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

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