Chapter Ten - Caught

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We get back to the hide out at about eight pm and decide to call the night early, after putting the jewellery up for sale. I wake up to Henry's blank fire and go out into the kitchen to eat breakfast with the others. After we eat breakfast, we sit down in the lounge room for the day's briefing. "Alrighty, today we go BIG! We hit up the bank!" Koko says clearly over excited. "Are you sure that's a good idea? You know what happened last time." Brayden asks her. What happened last time? Henry must have seen my confused look and he explains, "we got arrested and spent four months in jail. So, now we have about ten warrants each for our arrest and more if they realise that we often use fake IDs." You what? Arrested, jail, no, this is definitely not a good idea! "It'll be fine, I promise." Koko says and everyone looks at her in doubt. "That's what you said last time." Henry says clearly not believing Koko. "Shut, Up!" Koko yells at Henry and she throws her shoe at him. "Remember why I'm boss? Yeah, so we'll be fine." Henry nods and goes silent, I can't help but feel that I've missed something.

"Are you sure this will work?" Violet asks. "Yep, you know what to do." Me and Violet are currently on coms with Koko and sitting in yet another air vent! We hear gunshots come from below, perfect, now's our chance. We jump out of the air vent and start filling our bags with the cash we could find, and then I hear it. Oh no. That's not right. The signal, it didn't go off. We've been caught.

Author here, sorry it's short and a cliff hanger but you will get more soon don't worry, I want to be funny so I'm currently eating whipped cream and raspberries while watching videos and writing this book lol, Have a great day/night and look after yourselves! When I post my next chapter get a snack to eat and read, it makes it better I know from experience (lol) See you soon 😊

287 words

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