Chapter Twenty-One - Where's Henry?

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Brayden's POV

All I could think about was Henry, I had to make sure he was ok. He just had to be ok! There's no way he's not, I won't believe it. I full on sprint down the hallway to our bedroom, and almost slam straight into the door. I quickly pull at the handle, but it doesn't open, he locked it! "DAMM IT!" I yell, not even caring at this point. I run into the kitchen and grab a butter knife, they're not the best for lock picking, but it'll do. I run back to our room and pick at the lock, after about a minute or two, I get in. I fling the door open and rush into... an empty room? Where's Henry? I spy the window slightly opened; of course, how could I be so stupid! I run to window and open it fully, I climb out, onto the outside balcony, that we made for Henry, for when things get overwhelming. I walk around the corner and see Henry, sitting down against the wall with his head on his knees, in a ball, I stand there, relieved. Thank goodness I found him; I was starting to get worried. I sit down next to him, and he lifts his head slightly to look at me, his face is red and blotchy, and tears are streaming down his face. "I'm sorry." He whispers, it's so quiet I can barely hear him. " You don't have to be sorry Henry." I say trying my best to stay calm. "But I made you worry; don't pretend you weren't worried... I heard you." He says truthfully. I pull him close into a hug. "But I know that you were worried about me too." I say trying to lighten the mood. I feel him nod and we sit there in silence while he calms down.

"What's going on?" A voice from behind asks incredibly confused. Oakley, shoot, I left him there worried and confused, oh this is all my fault! I should've been more careful! Then none of this would have happened! "Oakley... I'm sorry, I should have explained, I was just worried." I start. "No it's fine, I understand, I just didn't even know this place existed." He reassures me. I slightly nod, not fully sure of what to say. "I'm going to go back inside and wait for the others to get back." Oakley states after a few minutes of silence. "Ok." I say and he leaves us alone on the balcony. Now it was just me and Henry.

We sit for a while losing track of time, I don't know how long we sat here, but it's been a good amount of time. Henry had finally calmed down and we were ready to go back inside and see the others. I stand up, offering my hand for Henry to get up, he takes my hand and stands up also. We climb back through the window and quietly open the door to exit our bedroom. We walk into the lounge room, gaining a few stares, and take a seat on the couch. "Henry!" Koko exclaims, "You're awake!" He slightly smiles towards Koko. "I think we should just chill for the next few days; we've done enough for now." Koko says and Henry nods, clearly liking the idea of a few less robberies. "We can just have a bit of a chill weekend?" Koko continues. "Sounds good." Henry responds.

The End

Author here, sorry I just had to end it there, I hope you enjoyed reading Lost Boy, I'm glad I could give you all something that you enjoy (don't worry there may be an epilogue, but if you are homophobic (don't like gay stuff) then this is the end for you 😊) thank you all so much for reading, I'm kinda sad to end it I like writing it and I like chatting with you guys, I may post some little things to chat with you guys, if you want something else to read now that Lost Boy has come to an end I recommend Seven Suspects, one of my other books, or I think I'm gonna try and start a fanfic 😊, thank you all so much, sorry that this note is long but it's my technically my last author note, also if you guys want to make fanart go for it, if you can comment pictures then you can comment your fanart and I will try to respond, if it goes on social media tho make sure to put me as the author of the book you did it from 😊, as always have a great day/night and look after yourselves. See you soon 😊

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