Chapter Fifteen - The Incident

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TW: if you don't like panic attack stuff/self-harm, this chapter is not for you, this is your warning, you have been warned.

Koko's POV

Oh no, Henry? "Henry!" I yell whilst shaking him. No response. It can't be happening, not again. Please no, please no. I check his breathing and I sigh, at least he was breathing, more like hyperventilating, but it would be worse if he wasn't breathing, so I'm glad he is. I check him for bruises, bite marks, and scratches, there were two bite marks on his left wrist and scratches up his arms. That's why he's rapped himself in a blanket, to hide them. No. The Incident. It can't be. Not again. I can tell that Oakley and Violet are distressed by seeing him like this, so I take them out into the lounge room to explain. Once we're all sitting on the couch, I start to explain what 'The Incident' was, "The Incident, it was Henry's first time being caught. I had met him in an alleyway, a similar way to how I met you two. He was sitting at the back of the alley on the floor crying. He had cuts, bruises, and bite marks all over him and he was hyperventilating. I didn't know what was going on at the time, we later found out that he has severe anxiety. I took him with me to my next heist, not understanding what was wrong, I thought someone had attacked him, I didn't understand. We got caught during the heist and I escaped them, but he wasn't so lucky. He was arrested and put into an adult prison, bad idea, triggered his anxiety, and they thought he was on drugs, but he obviously tested negative to them all. So, their next thought was that he was going insane, like as if he had schizophrenia, so they sent him to a mental health facility. Again, bad idea, and he went into a full state of panic, it wasn't fun for anyone. Brayden is the only one who's been able to stop his panic attacks, and now that he's not here, one, it causes more panic attacks, and two, no one's able to stop them." Oakley and Violet start to calm down slightly, now knowing what we're dealing with, well some of what we're dealing with. I didn't explain what we call 'The Incident', because I didn't want them to panic as well, it would only make it worse. If they knew what he did to himself, things would be very different. We have to get Brayden back, before 'The Incident' replays itself.

Author here, sorry, I know, another cliff hanger lol, you get the next chapter soon, not sure whether it will be posted tonight or tomorrow, as always have a great day/night and look after yourselves (don't copy Henry's actions, tis a bad idea, lol) See you soon 😊

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