Chapter Eleven

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Violet's Pov
I don't wanna be here right now. I so could be out hunting or laying in my bed thinking of a slow painful death. A small whine like sound slipped from my lips quickly shooting my hands up to grab at my head, were Alice had smacked me gently on it with force shooting me a small look.

"Violet can you at least act like you enjoy living please." She all but whines out to me, moving down the steps passed me from where I was sitting.

"I don't wanna be living though Alice! Ow! Rose you suck." I grumbled out when she had flicked me on my forehead fixing up her hair a little as she also shot me a little glare.

"Now we don't talk like that in this family, can you go check for me what's taking those two so long?" I gave Alice a brief head nod, standing up off the bottom step to head upstairs. I bounced up each step with ease before I was on the top stretching a little with a quiet sound leaving me heading towards Carlisle's office to where I could hear the two voices before I even opened the door.

"Bella I can protect you from everything... Except from Violet who is coming to steal you away." I forced a smile sending him a small amused glare, stuffing my hands into my back jean pockets.

"Ha ha very funny, Alice wanted to know what was taking you both so long lover boy, she's all done." I chuckled looking away from the two as they shared another kiss, my eyes lingering towards the portrait of the Volturi. I lightly touched at it with a chuckle, slightly turning my head when Bella was speaking out towards me.

"Do you know a lot about them Violet?" I let a small loose hum out, nodding her way a couple times.

"Yeah I lived with them for a couple years during my rebel newborn stages. It was before I moved to England for a bit." Edward looked back at me for a moment flashing me a brief smile as he nodded.

"I remember that, you never talked about your experience there." I faked out a cough as I brushed off my hands together chuckling to myself.

"That is a story time for another night." I cleared my throat leading the way out the office first.

You would think time could go by ever so softly. I found Bella was always so awkward around everyone for no apparent reason at all. Well she sort of had a reason, think she always thought she was a blood bag around everyone, if passing around gifts wasn't awkward enough imagine having to fake a laugh so many times just so I could wanna leave and go up to my room for a bit.

I briefly pressed my fist under my chin my eyes narrowing as I watched with interest as Bella started opening up the envelope. Must be the plane tickets. To anyone else's ear you wouldn't have hear the sound of flesh slicing before the little droplet of blood splatter onto the carpet.

Oh my god Bella you're beyond clumsy. Wait... Jasper! I whipped my body around for a moment standing up for a moment, it was fast paced before the loud sound of slamming and crashes were heard. While everyone was focused on Jasper who had gone far from wild. I was a little more concerned for the amount of blood I was smelling. She was more hurt.

Edward must have pushed her too hard. Using my speed, I rushed over to her side dropping down to apply some pressure to her bleeding wound hearing how erratic her heart beat was hammering away she was making her own panic much worse.

"Calm your breathing, try and relax." I whispered to her seeing her eyes whipped back to look at me, they were wide.

"Get Jasper out of here." Bella looked back towards me, I wasn't even the least bit phased by her blood, seeing her look back at me speaking.

"Are you not effect by it?" She stammered out, I made a small face at her holding back a small chuckle helping her up to her feet while Carlisle was gesturing for me to bring her to the living room.

"No offense Bella.. Well you can take offense if you like. I've been around blood plenty your blood... Stinks." I said quite bluntly passing her over to Carlisle who flashed me a smile, I found myself sitting on one of the side tables while he rushed around to get his tools.

"Violet has amazing control, I do believe Edward taught her all that. " I nodded briefly with a light chuckle picking at my finger nails using my speed to go wash off the blood off my hands and exposed arms before coming back to sit on the side table watching with interest.

"Actually Violet, I turned Edward myself, and just last year was the first time any of us met you, do you mind sharing how he turned you?" I had looked away from the window away with my thoughts nodding a couple times seeing Bella had perked up.

"Well I would say it was a lot of time after you turned Edward so it was around the 1980's. My death was actually sort of.. Based around my habits of today. I had overdosed, and was dying in the back alley of a random club. Where Edward happened to be at. I thought exactly know what triggered Edward to turn me. But he had asked me that if he turned me. Would I be willing to change and want to live..." I blinked a couple times my vision growing wide.

How could I forget Edward wanted me to live on... He didn't like me talking about death all and he did give me a chance to live a longer life, but it was life at that.

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