3: A Thank You

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Giyuu's (the fine babe he is) POV:


I open my eyes and notice a unfamiliar room. Were am I? My memories come back to me, I realise I was in Sanemi's house. But why was I in his bed? I sit up and look around. His room was a mess. Clothing lying on the floor, some empty glasses. Does this man never clean? The rest of his house is clean though. Mabey because no-one really sees his room except him. I slip out of his bed and I make it look neat. I pick up all of hiss clothing on the floor and put it away neatly. All that was left was the cups. It would only take one trip as there wasn't many of them.

I pick up the cups and I leave his room, I walk down the hall searching for the kitchen. I find myself at the kitchen and I walk in. My hand cramps and I drop a cup causing it to break, which startled Sanemi. He spilt his glass of water down himself when he heard the crash of the cup. He turned around and looked at me with a pissed look on his face.

I feel bad now. I didnt mean to break it. I kneel down and go to pick up the shards. While I was picking them up one stabbed me in my palm. I winced at the pain, and Sanemi came over. "You moron, you shouldn't of used you hands to pick them up" He said that in a pissed tone. He crouched down Infront of me and picked up the shards with a dustbin and brush. He threw them in the bin and I stood up holding my bleeding hand.

How embarrassing. He walked over to me and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. He grabbed my hand. I felt like I was going to faint. "Sit down. I'll clean the wound for you moron." He rolled his eyes and walked over to get a med-kit.

Why was he being so nice to me? Well he did call me a moron but still. I sat down and he came back over, putting the med-kit down on the table, he pulled a chair up and sat Infront of me. Our knees touching. My face was heating up more then before.

He opened the med-kit and pulled out some wipes to clean the wound first. He grabbed my hand again. I was actually about to pass out, I felt my cheeks heating up. I hope he wouldn't notice. He wipes the wound and I wince at the sudden pain.

After cleaning it, he carefully put a plaster over the top. It wasn't that big of a cut so I didnt need stiches, but It still bled quite a bit. I was quite embarrassed honestly. Even though he already finished sorting my hand out he was still holding it. Was he tormenting me. I look up and quickly notice I could see his abs through his shirt, it was completely see-through since he spilt water down it.

My face heated up way more. And this time he noticed. "You got a fever or something." I didnt know how to reply. Suddenly I felt his hand on my forehead, he was checking my temperature. "Well you dont have a fever, but you look like a fucking tomato." He laughs right after. So embarrassing.

He lets go of my hand, and he puts the med-kit away. "uh.. thank you for doing that. And uhm.. allowing me to sleep in your bed." I spoke. "Yeah. No problem I guess." He said pulling on his soaked shirt. I opened my mouth to speak but my face heated up way more then it should.

He was taking his shirt off. Right Infront of me


641 words

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