salted kiss // together

5 2 1

[beyond this point all chapters will be from Mika's point of view]

'ah.. it's so dark.. it's cold too' i need to open my eyes now.. but asahi isn't anywhere around? where is he..

[ch. 2 opening theme]

i opened my eyes and asahi left again; without leaving the lights now. i hate it. - i hate it when he does that.

i hesitantly got up and switched on the light and yawned whilst looking around - there's a note hmm..? 

"mika, i've gone to check and set up a session for you for the therapist. there's food in the fridge just reheat them hun! i'll also buy you a gift on my way home! :3" 

asahi.. you.. thank you i thought he'd be scared but somehow i feel soft all around but i can't.. really tell if it's a good feeling still it's nice that he's there for me hmm.. yes

mhm.. there was a slight rush of emotions along my veins - ah.. yes.. i'm still okay i hope i'm not a burden to him.

well i'm not hungry but i guess i can wait for him..

i walked across the room to my bag and rummaged through it for my phone.

there were barely any notifications..? huh hmph.. there is a few texts from my friends and asahi

i swiped to open the texts from asahi.

"hey i'm nearly home :3 - today at 7:08pm" 


right now it's 7:10 i guess he's still walking..

i then scrolled to see some texts from my friend.. let's see..

Maryanna.. hmm..

"hey bestie! i heard what happened on the road earlier hope u feel better soon xoxo - today at 5:18pm"

hmm.. that's right i.. fainted in public earlier today - i thought it was just the heatstroke but then the medics noticed something so that's how i ended at the doctor's

for both of the messages i just reacted a heart for them.. not like i was feeling it but maybe it would be nice to let them know.

*knock knowk* 

"Hey! Hun I'm here! Could ya open the door?" asahi's here..? hmm already..?

i thought he'd be away for more time.. wait that.. why am i thinking of that - gosh that isnt good thinking.

i unlocked the door as he peers his head in to see me.

"Hey hun, here you go! I've got you some German Moon Pie! they were selling it at a discount so i thought you would wanna eat with mee?" Asahi smiles as he full goes in and shuts the door behind him.

an instinct of my body made me hugged me gently but now it feels.. off that i'm hugging him in the first place.. why am i..?

to my surprise asahi.. plants a kiss on my forehead..

at first it felt nice but i feel guilty because after a second or two it became.. weird.. it's as if the kiss felt.. salty.. without it being on the lips but it's.. what my heads tells me.. it's. I can't tell what feeling this is so i tugged on him and pulled him to the table so we can both eat.

"hey? you alright? you seem eerily silent hmm?" asahi brushes his hand across my hair and pats me.

asahi, i'm not so sure if i'm alright right now i feel.. what is it called..  it's emptiness what i feel.

i leaned closer to him and i bury my face on his face and sigh to give him my answer,

"hun.. i just feel scared i might be a burden and.. i really.. don't want to sit with this condition either - i still wanna feel.." as i answered it felt like my heart was throbbing - i paced my head towards his eyes, teary eyed i gave him a peck on the lips 

trying to spark something within me, fortunately it does and it relieves me slightly 

"hey your alright baby.. whatever your going through we'll go through it together. You got that?" asahi's reply somehow made me feel all calm and filled me with serenity.

mhm.. 'together'? yes.. i won't ever leave you - together, please don't leave me too.

I looked back at him with a widened smile and snuggled..



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