spring of truth // winter of lies

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[ this story ends with a sorrowful note, with Mika losing herself and forgetting her true lover and her true purpose. She has killed herself with lies - it's as if she's also forgotten the lies she's made and the truths she's set free. She is but a shell of herself, the 'her' in that shell has released itself and spread lies and killed her ]

on that day that Mika rushed to kiss Miss Kim Hyoung, Asahi didn't rush and punched her at all.. it was quite the opposite - she's the one who punched him away as he was headed towards her crying, in return Kim is shocked with the revelation and pushes Mika away sparking a chain of lies she's told herself. The story was a bit off from her perspective because she's filled in the gaps with lies and since it was in her perspective, everything she perceived everything according to her own lies and saw things according to her delusions.

another important detail is that during whenever Mika was in sessions with Kim is that none of the lessons and conversations are ever recalled - this was because of course she spends all that time with her only admiring her beauty and not listening at all.

regarding the moment when she passed out for the 1st time - it was not because of the punch, after evidently being rejected by Kim, she was so shocked and broken, she felt so disgruntled - with her not being able to bear it she fabricated the event. The truth is that is she ran away and continuously harmed herself and placed herself on the warehouse - whereas Asahi only found her. the beatings weren't real - she cut those parts of her memory and only fabricated it to make him seem abusive, whence Asahi found her it's true that she just ignored him and ran but the break-in part was completely lies

she had completely harmed herself - she wanted to see things this way so she could tell Kim these lies. 

there was no one actually breaking-in against Mika, it was just her and her delusions. Due to her confusion with feelings she lied about those events, she told herself she loved Kim but ultimately she wanted to be with Asahi. 

I forgot to add the POV of Asahi as Mika ran away from him - Asahi asked helped from Ms Kim Hyoung to get her back because this has already happened before as Asahi mentioned.

the month being december is true and it was indeed winter the next day after she passed out - her meeting Kim by a field was real though it was a setup that Asahi and Kim planned to knock sense into Mika again.

also Kim never had a daughter - it was just one of the few delusion Mika had.

[ thank you for reading one of my original works - please leave a rating and feedback for improvement in the future ]

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