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Vader sat on deck in the Executer, wondering why, how, and where [Name] could have gone. Why couldn't he sense her? Was [Name] even worth the resources he poured into her search?

Vader remembered the night after they first made love. He'd left her to her room, careful not to seek her out or request her presence.

People were beginning to question their relationship, wondering why he sent the servants away at night and why [Name]'s bed hadn't been slept in. Why did they find her garments near the fireplace? And why did he insist on having her in the villa night after night? Of course, they knew nothing of her ties to the Jedi Order.

Her reputation at the palace had been properly besmirched - because of him. To protect [Name]'s reputation, Vader left the servants to mill about the house hoping to dispel any lingering rumors, pretending they had nothing to hide. It wasn't until well into the night, moon shining high, did he sense [Name]'s presence outside of his hub. Tapping softly, she whispered against the wall of the tank "My room is cold. Let me in," she demanded.

Vader cracked the hyperbaric chamber. Not even the Force could prepare him for what he saw. He pulled [Name] in, for she dared a servant to see her naked body, aglow in the pale blue moonlight.

Vader smiled, thinking her besmirched reputation was well deserved...and he wouldn't have it any other way. But in the back of his mind he wondered if she were a plant, someone there to distract him. To keep him from invading systems and planets that dared to defy the Empire.

That night he whispered his secrets and dreams. Certainly not his most kept secrets, but places he planned to conquer... and people who wanted to conquer, like the Emperor... He told her how he wanted her by his side, as his Empress - he would be the master and she, his apprentice. With their combined strength, they would conquer the galaxy together.

Vader's New Love || Darth Vader x Reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now