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[Name] walked with Darth Vader, the evil henchman of the ever-absent Emperor. The former Chancellor turned hermit betrayed the Republic when he left this bully in charge - Vader was now the face of the Galactic Empire. But strangely enough, he left Naboo to the queen. Most planets had to deal with the Governors he sent.

[Name], Vader, and the troops marched past the palace. She had no desire for him to meet with the queen or sleep in her palace as a guest. Not yet. Vader couldn't be trusted. He was so volatile at times she wouldn't be surprised if he killed her Highness in a fit of rage. His reputation was known throughout the galaxy - he was not a man to toy with.

[Name] led him down a brick path that winded over a bridge, down a grassy hill, to the lake.

She could hear the sound of his mask with every breath he took "Chaaaaaaaaa Shiiiiiish".

They stopped in front of a tan colored ancient looking stone structure with large windows. The windows didn't have glass in them though, which made the view all the more beautiful. The lake was as blue as the sky, so crystal clear that she could see fish swimming below its depths. She wondered if Vader stopped to look, or had even bothered to appreciate the view. Otherwise, why even waste it on him?

The mosaic tan and peach tiles on the floor buckled under his boots as they walked inside. He raised a hand and the troops came to a halt just outside of the door. Ace stood with them.

"See that my men are given proper accommodations," he ordered.

[Name] turned to Ace, raising a hand to his shoulders. "There's a guest house just around the bend. It's small, but they should find comfort there."

Vader watched. For some unexplained reason seeing [Name] touch Ace on the shoulder irritated him.

She turned and caught him staring. Vader swore she looked through the mask right onto his face and wished he were as beautiful as he was all those years ago. Perhaps she would appreciate him as much as she did the view outside of the Villa.

"Your Lordship, I sincerely hope you will enjoy your stay," she said, bowing her head politely.

"Is the suite properly staffed?"

"Of course, Your Lordship."

Every time she uttered the words "Your Lordship", he regretted telling her to call him that.

"Nevertheless, I will require your services here," Vader demanded.

"Then I will make it my business to return in the morning."

"You will remain at my beck and call. Understood?"

"How do you propose I do that?" [Name] protested.

"I'm sure you will figure something out. Or else I will be forced to assign a garrison to your Naboo - and they will meet my needs and properly tend to me."

"If you mean wait service, we have maidens for that."

"How many bedrooms are in this house?"


"You will take the one nearest mine."

Vader stormed away, He sensed through [Name] the location of his room and climbed the stairs to the top floor. He hated stairs. But he wouldn't let her know how much it pained his stubs as he walked up.

Vader's New Love || Darth Vader x Reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now