Is it the day of destiny?...

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Emilia Romagna Gp... The best weekend of my life. Fabio had the match point in the world championship. It was pretty exciting except for that little thing that he finished at P11 in the combined results. I knew how hard it was for him. I just wanted to let him know that I'm with him with my whole heart and I support and love him no matter what. So I texted him:
Y: Fabs, Babe please don't be disappointed I'm sure you will be in the front rows.
F: How could this happen? In my match point race?
Y: Chill bro. You are the best.
F: Thanks, love<3
I felt comfortable when I read his text. He stayed calm and that made me happy.
He's starting from P13. The worst qualifying of the season. Tough to think about this. I'm so sorry for him.
Y: Babe... Are you okay?
F: This wasn't what I expected.
Y: I know but with a great start you will be there I'm sure you can make it just believe in yourself. Stay strong love, please. For me<3
F: Okay baby I will.
Race day. Wow. A big emotional rollercoaster for me and I think for all of us. Matchpoint.
He made a great start but Pecco was so far away he started from the pole and he also made a good start. After a few laps, Pecco still leads Fabio is coming from the back.
And then. Something happened. Pecco crashed out from the lead. He's done it. He is the world champion. He is the champion of the world. I couldn't hold back my tears. I started crying from joy. I ran out to the track right after the flag and I kissed him in the middle of the track. Omg, I wasn't thinking. Tony grabbed my shoulder and I immediately hugged him too, but when I turned to Fabio again I saw something that I couldn't believe will happen one day. He was holding an engagement ring.
-Y\N will you make me the happiest guy ever? Will you marry me?- I saw in his eyes how nervous he was.
-I-I-I... Of course.- I started crying and I heard the people behind me cheering and clapping. I was the happiest girl in the world.
I ran to him and hugged him. The ring was amazing. I turned around and asked Tony.
-Did you know about this?- I laughed
-Of course, I was with you for more than 6 months he told me everything about his little plan. -he said.

My dearest diary you couldn't imagine the party after the race. Everybody sang and danced.
Wow. I will never forget it.

My life next to the world champion Where stories live. Discover now