Awkward Mistakes

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You're toxic, I'm slippin' under...

"Blaise! Could you come here?" Draco shouted not long after Olivia stepped into his office a few days later. Olivia pursed her lips slightly, as she watched the doorway nervously, keeping to the opposite side of his office as though Draco was going to attack her at any given moment.

Blaise sauntered in, looking from Olivia to Draco, then smirking as he took in the wide berth between them and their tense body language. Draco silently prayed that he at least watched his mouth this time.

Though he knew nothing about Monday night, Blaise was thoroughly entertained by the current status of things between Draco and their boss, and Draco was nearly ready to smack him for it.

"What can I do for you?" Blaise asked casually. He glanced over at Olivia. "Looking lovely today, boss. Is that a new dress?" Draco fought from rolling his eyes as Olivia stared at him suspiciously, then glanced at Draco.

"Thanks, Blaise," she said. "And no."

"Ah, well it looks particularly lovely regardless," Blaise said grandly. Draco did roll his eyes at that, then glanced over at Olivia, seeing the smallest of smiles cross her face.

"We were wondering if you could check this over and let us know what you think," Draco said, holding the parchment out to him. Blaise winked at him as he took it, causing Draco to narrow his eyes.

While neither Olivia nor Draco had spoken about the almost kiss, an unspoken rule had somehow sprung up that next day at the office. That it was best they weren't left alone for too long. Draco wasn't exactly sure how this had become a regular thing. All he knew was that he walked into her office to discuss the project the morning after the near kiss, and she quickly called in her new assistant to take notes for them who had magically appeared that day. Then when she had popped into his office to go over a formula later that same day, he had called in Blaise for another opinion and to "bounce ideas off."

He had been calling Blaise in for second opinions quite a lot since then and his best friend was obviously enjoying watching the two of them squirm, even if Draco refused to tell him just exactly what was going on.

And as annoying as Blaise was getting, Draco still didn't trust himself to be alone with her. Every time he met her eyes or she stepped too close to him, he was back to the moment in her lab, the two leaning towards each other. The feeling of her in his arms.

It was too incredibly dangerous.

And needless to say, Draco hadn't been back to her private lab, though he knew that eventually he would have to go. They couldn't keep working together like this. Eventually they would have to get over the awkwardness. But at the moment, Draco wasn't completely sure how with both too nervous and scared to bring it up.

"So, what do you think?" Olivia asked, looking at Blaise.

"I'm not sure why the two of you insist on continuing to drag me in for a second opinion. The work's spot on and far more advanced than anything I've worked on," he said, handing the page back to Draco. "Perhaps we should just address the erumpent in the room?"

Blaise started grinning as confusion came over Olivia's face, then it paled.

"Okay, thank you, Blaise," Draco said loudly, starting to push him out of his office before Blaise could say anything else that would potentially embarrass him or anger Olivia. While she knew Blaise was his best friend, he wasn't sure how she might react to finding out that he knew about their one night. And everything else.

"But, I really think you should-"

"Enough," Draco said sternly, shoving him out and nearly slamming his office door shut before realizing what he was doing. Right, shutting the door was a bad idea. "Ehm... sorry about that." He looked over at Olivia watching him with a furrowed brow. "Blaise is... well, Blaise."

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