File 5: Itsupiki ōkami

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Name: Itsupiki ōkami (一匹オオカミ - Lone Wolf)

Hero Name: The lone hero: Wolferine

Vigilante Name: Howl

Villain Name: Clawed Fangs

Quirk(s): Chained Werewolf (747)


- Male
- Black hair
- Has small layer of fat
- Thin
- Grey-blue eyes
- Looks and is very squishy


Secluded and wants to be alone. Emotionally unstable and will always think the worst. Highly overprotective of the people he loves.

Fighting style:

Blitz and run without regard to personal safety, but will go on a rampage under the right conditions.

Support items:

Metallic jaws and claws, protective layer over fur, maybe faceplate? Small form has inflatable barrier around itself, and human maybe electric claws? Maybe flamethrower wolf mask too.


Abused and r**** by family, leading to many many traumas (which developed into triggers), and ran away with friends to safer place. Now recovering in his own way, doing his own thing, and just trying to fit into the world.


Abused by family in training and forced to participate in hero school as spy (Causing trust issues and self-hate), only to find solstice and be given a choice on his path.

Extra Notes:

Right conditions for a rampage is being aggravated when triggered or in a flashback.
For my lovely boyfriend who I love to bits and want to always be with. Curse you stupid ocean, and your natural disasters not letting me sailboat my way across!

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