File 11: Erem Entaru

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Name: Erem Entaru (エレメンタル - Elemental)

Hero Name: The Elemental Hero: Ragnarök

Vigilante Name: Elements of the Night

Villain Name: Ragnarök

Type: Powerhouse

Race: Japanese

Quirk(s): Element Manipulation (2)


- Jade pale skin
- Male (20 ish)
- Messy silver hair and lightning blue eyes
- Muscular enough for it to slightly show
- Long fingers, but blunted nails
- Hair is silky but also messy, making it fluffy
- Sharp, pointed eyes


Logical and calculating. Always moves on a personal moral compass, and will care for those who are lost in life. Completely disregards life to save others, and is happy as long as the people he cares about is happy, regardless of how bad his situation is.

Fighting style:

Overpowers enemies with elemental power, or flies around alternating elements and attacks to dominate the opponent.

Support items:

Makes his own out of ice, rock, and metal.


Was born in a rich family as a product of a quirk marriage. Got stuck with them until he broke out to find a place in life. Wanders through the world as a passing person who does their own thing, and leaves his print everywhere he walks.

Extra Notes:

Keeps his body bandaged all the time so those he cares about can't tell if he's been hurt.

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