File 10: Tori Nonō

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Name: Tori Nonō (鳥の脳 - Bird Brain)

Hero Name: The Harpy Hero: Birdo

Vigilante Name: Twilight Claw

Villain Name: Talon Feather

Type: Mobility

Race: Japanese

Quirk(s): Harpy (6)


- Jade pale skin
- Female
- Long silver hair and yellow eyes
- Busty, but still muscular enough for it to slightly show
- Snow owl wings
- Hair is silky and long enough to reach her knees
- Sharp predator eyes


Forgetful and borderline amnesiac. Still happy-go-lucky, and trusts everyone while doing what they ask to the best of her birdbrain knowledge. Will still defy orders to rush for food though.

Fighting style:

Flies up to evade, and swoops around to attack with her claws

Support items:

Maybe metallic overlays for claws for quick blunting, or reinforcing so she can cut more? Maybe also metallic protective braces on wings so they don't break easily.


Was born in normal family. Became too much of a handful and pushed around a lot. Constantly forgot things and now only know their name, quirk, and other few basic things. Always just flies around trying to help before being caught, and normalized. Forgot all of it, and did whatever.

Extra Notes:

Is top photo but wings are on their back, and they have hands with talons for fingers

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