File 9: Kuma Neko

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Name: Kuma Neko (熊猫 - Panda)

Alias: Inventor

Type: Producer

Race: Canadian

Quirk(s): Music Manipulation (1)


- Scarred
- Male
- Silver Hair and Brown eyes
- Chubby, but somewhat muscular underneath
- Slightly tan while still pale
- White short hair too short to get messy
- Rounded eyes with glasses


Jolly and fun to be around, but also depressed at times. Very childish too, and very excitable. Will do anything to help others, even at their expense. Pacifist, and would rather take a beating. Stubborn if he wants something though


Creates support equipment out of scrap for others use.

Support items:

Anything imaginable. Built it all himself


Was born in normal family. Mother overbearing and religious while dad is deadbeat but forces him into things he hates. Always despised religion as a whole and his family. Got ruined in school mentally, then had his whole life crumble down around him. Eventually became lost, and searched for purpose. Eventually secluded self in forest, just helping those he could online.

Extra Notes:

Based loosely on myself. 
May also have MPD from trauma experienced.

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