File 13: Furui Fumetsu

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Name: Furui Fumetsu (古い不滅 - Old Immortal)

Hero Name: The Olden Hero: Immortal

Vigilante Name: Horrorcrux

Villain Name: Crucifixion

Type: Intelligence / Support

Race: ???

Quirk(s): Horcrux (613)


- Black hair
- Grey eyes
- 6'2
- Lean and muscular
- Unremarkable
- Male


Laid back and bored with life. Disregards life to chase adrenaline when possible.

Fighting style:

Throwing caution to the wind, and replacing horcrux when killed before jumping back into fight. Battle of attrition while beating up with martial arts.

Support items:

Any weapon under the sun that is legal, and a few homemade that are illegal


Born when first quirks came to be, and has lived since, living through dozens of lives, each accomplishing dozens of feats, only to end up in the same way. Going through so many lives, he deems to take life as leisurely as possible.

Extra Notes:

Cannot feel pain.

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