File 14: Sukuri Puto Nashi

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Name: Sukuri Puto Nashi (スクリプトなし - No Script)

Alias: Murim

Type: Intelligence / Espionage

Race: Japanese

Quirk(s): Supercomputer (652) + Network Consciousness Insert (NCI) (3)


- Long auburn hair
- Golden eyes
- 5'6
- Thin and unassuming
- Scar over left eye
- Female


Guarded and doesn't like to talk to people unless she knows them personally. Calculates every risk to see if its worth it.


Computation and hacking commissions while also works as informant.

Support items:

Exo-suit hidden in clothes to keep standing after entering a network, and an auto-defense system to keep her safe.


Born to a regular household, and lived a normal life until discovery of her quirk. After which she trained herself to always be able to outsmart everyone through any means necessary. Eventually turned to hacking and information for a job, and lived as such.

Extra Notes:

Operates within the slums when not needed in person because "People willing to ask for my services shouldn't be scared to enter the slums."
Became savior of the slums after exposing a corrupt agents plan.

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