Chapter one

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Authors note: Italics means writing in diary


Aurora is on the private jet with Mia, Joe, Anthony and of course fat Louis. Mia and Aurora are sat opposite each other while both writing in their diaries, while Anthony sits next to Aurora and Joe sits next to Mia. 

Dear diary,

Well, it's me, Brand-new college graduate-slash princess. Oh, I can't believe it's been five years since grandma told me I was a princess. 

And right after that my mother surprised me by marrying my high-school teacher, Patrick O'Connel. It must be going well, because they are now expecting a baby. 

Mia has changed for the better and is no longer terrified at the thought of being a princess, I'm really proud of her. 

Lilly's remained the same, as she continues to cause turmiol, but now as a graduate student at Berkeley, which she calls 'Berserkeley'.

Michael is on tour with his band, meaning him and Mia are 'just friends'. And any time Mia says this I correct her by adding 'for now'.

'How's Daniel?' You might be wondering. Well he went off to study to become a physiotherapist while he continues to surf. We  decided we would just be friends while our life's follow different paths, but who knows? They might cross again. 

"Princesses. Look out the window, and welcome back to Genovia" Anthony says, causing the twins to look out their windows and see the beautiful country.

Oh, there it is, My beautiful Genovia. Of course, I'm completely excited to be going back, but I'm also a bit nervous.

Grandma Clarisse will step down by the end of this year as queen, and I'll be taking over, since I'm now 21. 

When Anthony tells me we are about to land I put my diary into my bag and close my eyes. As we start decent I grow visibly anxious. Flying isn't to bad. It's taking off and landing that's scary. After a minute I feel a hand grab mine, calming me slightly. As I feel like the jet make contact with the ground I grip Anthony's hand tighter. 

Now we have landed, we all stand and I grab my bag, putting it over my shoulder. As we walk of the jet to the cars I realise I still haven't let go of Anthony's hand. I'll be honest, the only reason I let go at all is because Mia and I have to sit in the back of the car with the tinted windows and Anthony and Joe sit in the front.  

The drive to the palace is around fifteen minutes so I take my diary out again to finish this passage.

I know I study diplomacy and political science at school, but turns out there is no course in 'Queen' or 'How to run a country'. But grandma's going to help me, and I'll take over when she thinks I'm ready. Of course I'm still wondering, will I ever be ready?

In the meantime, I'm going to live in a beautiful palace like in a fairy tale, and eventually sit on a throne and rule the people of Genovia.

After I've finished writing I put my diary away and look out of the car at the beautiful place I now call my home. I look into the side-view mirror and see beautiful brown eyes already looking back at me. I've never paid much attention to Anthony's eyes but now I am, I realise the beauty of them. If you put it plainly, they're brown. But if you really look you can see how they turn to a lighter, golden colour in the sunlight.  

"Her Royal Highness Princess Aurora Alexandria Thermopolis Renaldi and Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi has arrived" A man announces as the car comes to a stop. Anthony exits the car and opens my door while Joe opens Mia's. 

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