Ch 11 . Obsessed

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All of them were having stomach pain due to the craziest laugh they ever had couple of moments before . They had been spilling beans and were pulling each other's leg by the time virat and sai had noticed the growing bond in between Mia and sunny but there was no sign of any upcoming romantic relationship between those two , they were seeming real bestfriends!

"Will you both stop now ?" Samira asked while touching her abdomen.

"Say to the one who started it first" Mia rolled her eyes at sunny .

Meanwhile Sai and virat were busy in teasing each other through their eyes with their smiles growing naturally .

"Um..hmm.." Sunny broke the reverie of the duo .

"Sunny should be trained in giving privacy to love birds" Mia murmured .

"Mia-" Sai's stern yet sweet voice made mia sigh in acceptance of sunny still having some issues with sai .

"Nevermind" Mia told giving sunny a calm yet dead look .

Virat couldn't help but laugh at the look of his girlfriend to her bestfriend .

"You better not laugh at me" Mia warned her bestfriend's boyfriend .

"I can't blame him for that" Samira teased mia .

"Why it always gets on me?" Mia was somewhat pissed but joyed at their leg pulling session.

"Guess what it makes you popular so.."

This time sai mocked her while biting the inside of her cheek , mia opened her mouth in bewilderment you too ?

Sai smiled pulling mia to sit besides her and samira , virat snapped his finger through the screen of his phone and replied eyeing each of them but sai a longer .

"I gotta go now the college department looks so vulnerable without me" He praised himself with a smug smirk only to watch sunny giving him a sarcastic look and the girls holding their laughs including his sai .

"What ? I told the truth!" He told shrugging his shoulders .

"Yaa as if the college department had no existence before you" Samira burst out in a chuckle .

"Hey I was going to say that!" Mia poked him by saying that as well she joined sam in laughing .

Virat rolled his eyes and glanced at his girlfriend for being a little defensive towards him , sai raised her hands in helplessness as she was on no one's side here .

When virat was about to leave with his bestfriend , sai held his hand and he stopped staring back at her cold face.

"Two minutes ?" She asked to sunny .

Mia and samira were watching the film.

"Two minutes for what?" Samira whispered near mia's ear .

"Couple things , you won't know" Mia teased and chuckle to saw her was it necessary to remind me of that ? Look .

"What will I say to you ? He's yours" Sunny said not matching his eyes with sai by passing a smile towards virat.

Virat smiled patting on sunny's arm .

"I will be back , soon." He told .

"One hour is soon..okay" Sunny knew his soon with sai definitely means an hour .

Sai interupped .

"I'll make sure to hand you your bestfriend within three minutes"

"As you should" Sunny replied to her and walked away with a sticky smile .

HER INNOCENT BOYFRIEND On Hold (Sairat Ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora